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Everything posted by Tanasecn

  1. Ceva ce am gasit pe un alt site renumit. I have a few autoblogs...because I like them. I have one that I set up one day and have done no promotion with. It auto posts articles and youtube videos and I am steadily increasing in organic traffic each month. It's been up for about 4 months and now up to 200 uniques a day. Not bad for no promotion whatsoever. So I thought I'd let ya'll know what I use for plugins and you can add your better ones and even better theme. I get clicks daily and I'm not even using a adsense optimized theme [i want my blogs to look natural enough and not clouded to the extreme with adsense] so i'm sure you guys can do better. I'm averaging 50c-$1 a day per blog after about 2 months of letting them sit so I'm sure you can get better if you start promoting right away. I use the unique article wizard plugin for posting articles, but for more obscure niches, you are going to want a different autoposter as this I have noticed is only best for popular/broad niches. I use the wpyoutube plugin [the free version as each blog is a mix, and not strictly a video blog] to post youtube videos automatically. I use the Platinum SEO plugin and load my keywords that I pruned from Keyword Elite into it along with a keyword rich title and description. I use the YPN-Adsense plugin to automatically add adsense to my posts in random spots so the people do not become ad blind to my ads =P. On some of my blogs I use more plugins while on others these are the only ones I use. I don't show ads on my homepages for any of these blogs and I still get clicks within the posts. Perhaps I would get more if I put them on my homepage, but again, I like to keep the blogs halfway decent like so people stay on them longer. I do no promotion whatsoever with these blogs. I don't even put their links in my sigs or do bookmarkings...nothing. I have it now where I can set up one of these blogs in an hour or less and forget about them. Autoblogs are great for adsense earnings because they do all the work for you once you put the initial effort in. $30/month per blog is not bad either for no promotion. Just thought I'd let some of those people having trouble with 'direction' for their autoblogs. =D ..................................................................... Download AutoBlogz.zip for free on Filesonic.com
  2. Si iti mai rad si in nas de sus,tocmai de asta are bani sa mai dea bani ptr alt site:D C`mon
  3. DanBursuc.ro - Bine faci...Bine gasesti! DELETE? Cine ii da delete la continut are o lada de bere:))
  4. Da sunt flash. au jocul sql si imagine Bafta
  5. Salut mie imi tot da eroarea asta : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1 Unde gresesc?
  6. On si eu.....
  7. http://www.filesonic.com/file/167086662/data.sql.zip http://www.filesonic.com/file/166899852/GAMEPACK-1.rar http://www.filesonic.com/file/166938672/GAMEPACK-2.rar http://www.filesonic.com/file/166938702/GAMEPACK-3.rar http://www.filesonic.com/file/166963972/GAMEPACK-4.rar http://www.filesonic.com/file/167047342/GAMEPACK-5.rar http://www.filesonic.com/file/167075742/GAMEPACK-HS.rar http://www.filesonic.com/file/166963982/onarcade_2.3_gamepack_installer.rar http://www.filesonic.com/file/167085302/OnArcade_v2.3.1_Nulled.rar
  8. Salut,sunt nou pe aici cred ca ar trebuii "lucrat" Badea asta,prea sufera de karatisme pana isi ia una in dinti,dar pana atunci merita lucrat in alte parti PEACE
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