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Everything posted by achmed

  1. achmed

    Cei din cluj

    Avem pe aici baieti/fete din cluj ? Am nevoie de o mica informatie. PM daca sunteti din cluj. Rasplatesc.
  2. e scrisa acolo. :D

  3. asta e doar parerea voastra. nu sunt singurul care a incercat si merge destul de binisor. oricum, e decizia voastra daca o incercati sau nu
  4. am puso in primul post. Enjoy.
  5. daca vrei iti traduc eu maine. acum n-am nici chef nici timp.
  6. okay. eram obijnuit cu treaba cu pm-ul de pe hackf ..
  7. done. enjoy. PARERE
  8. done. v-am trimis la toti. Enjoy si LASATI UN FEEDBACK AICI. Mersi.
  9. Va rog sa-mi respectati drepturile de autor si sa nu distribuiti mai departe fara acordul meu. Va multumesc.
  10. La majoritatea am trimis. Sa-mi spuneti parerea !
  11. va dau la toti raspuns doar ca e regula de 60 de secunde. scuze de intarzieri. la vreo 2 am dat deja
  12. Salut fratilor. Aseara mi-am dat seama de o metoda de a scoate bani din adf.ly + sharecash + inca un site. Ideea e ca e scris in engleza ( l-am scris pentru un alt forum ) dar am zis sa-l impart si cu voi. Oricum, Daca nu intelegeti ceva, ma intrebati. Astept PM si va trimit metoda. Am zis ca mai bine pun metoda aici . Deci ENJOY ! Nu uita sa imi multumesti. Hello there, Okay, so i`m here spreading this guide i just made last night. So, this is how I THINK ( i do not guarantee ) you can score some easy cash. First of all, we will be using www.adf.ly , www.sharecash.com and www.scriptmafia.org . So, you have to register to all three websites. Steps : Step 1: Make an archive on your desktop containing anything you want ( must be at least 10 mb ) , put a password on it ( random, you don`t have to know it ) and name it something like "Playzeek.com awesome clone 100%" . The basic ideea is to name it after a big website everyone loves and want to have it. Note*: MUST HAVE A PASSWORD. Step 2: Upload that archive to Sharecash . Copy the link into your clipboard. Step 3: Go to Adf.ly . Shrink the link you just copied ( from sharecash ). Step 4: Go to Scriptmafia.org and in the left menu you will see "ADD_NewZ" . Click on that and compose your new article. Down there you have to put a demo for the acctual site and a download link. So put the demo link, and the download link and wait for the money. NOTE*: They say it has to be approved, but they aprove anything, so don`t worry. NOTE2*: Where you have to put the demo, you can shrink the acctual site with adf.ly for an extra income. I tell you, in 1 day i had like 300 hits on adf.ly and some downloads on sharecash. The thing is, for a certain amount of time untill the "fake script propaganda" cools down, don`t show your face on ScriptMafia. After 3-4 day or so you can post your next "AWESOME SCRIPT". Hope you like this and i really hope you make some money of it. Best regards, z.a.r.a- Copyright goes to z.a.r.a- on Hackforums.net www.hackforums.net
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