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Everything posted by ionutzlaurentiu

  1. mie imi merge pe vista..... eu am cautat foarte mult o metoda ca sa schimb extensia. cel mai bun rezultat pe care il realizasem a fost .scr. Asta mi s-a parut o metoda foarte buna si chiar are rezultate notabile. puteti sa inchideti thread`ul. PS: pe yahoo messenger cand trimiti fisierul apare extensia .jpg care este iar un lucru foarte bun.
  2. daca ma poate invata cineva cum sa adaug pozele altfel .....
  3. am gasit aceasta metoda pe alt forum nu vreau sa imi asum nici un credit pentru ea doar ca am vrut sa o impartasesc cu voi. am citit forumul si nu am vazut-o postata. pentru mine a funtionat foarte bine. DON'T PM ME FOR HELP, EVERYTHING I KNOW IS WRITTEN IN THIS TUTORIAL! This tutorial will show you how to make your .exe (or .com/.scr) files look like .jpeg/.mp3 or any other filetype! By normally changing the extension to e.g .mp3, will corrupt your file, but with this exploit your file will still be executable! __ 1. I have my server.exe, but I want it to look like a mp3 file, so people would run it. In this case, you should change the .exe to .scr to make it look more legit in the end. Now, rename your server.scr (which is still executable) to "songname uploaded by .SCR" (notice the space). Spoiler (Click to Hide) http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/823/20619197.png/ 2. Now it's time to use the exploit! Open up the Character Map: Spoiler (Click to Hide) http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/143/30441814.png/ Scroll down and find the "U+202E: Right-To-Left Override" character: Spoiler (Click to Hide) http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/839/29459541.png/ Click "Select" and then "Copy". 3. Now choose to rename your file, and paste the copied character right before the ".SCR" (press ctrl+v to paste) Spoiler (Click to Hide) http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/706/83052214.png/ Then type "3pm" (without the " ") and press Enter. Now it should look like this: Spoiler (Click to Hide) http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/607/76973471.png/ Done! Obviously you might want to change the icon to look like an mp3 before doing this..
  4. de ce nu primesc ban marlanii care fac magarii?
  5. mda de obicei cand bind`ezi un virus cu un program se intampla sa numai meraga programul ...dar bucurati`va ati luat cativa virusi de toata frumusetea... Detection ratio: 24/43
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