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MR. 69

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  1. @bubu2005 am urmat instructiunile din manualul pe care l-am primit cu routerul si acolo spune ca dupa ce activez Wireless Zero Configuration sa dau click pe o iconita care apare in taskbar, dar mie nu imi apare iconita si nu am gasit nimic pe google despre aceasta problema(nici in manual).asa ca am presupus ca este din cauza ca nu am o placa de retea wireless la calculator. Din ghidul pe care l-ai postat se pare ca nu as avea nevoie de placa de retea wireless, dar apare acolo un pas(la sectiunea wireless): "2.Deschideti aplicatia Wi-Fi a computerului." Ce "aplicatie Wi-Fi"? @lafurat vreau ca laptopul "sa-si ia netu" de la router prin wireless.
  2. Am un calculator si un laptop. Calculatorul are un router HG520b de la Romtelecom care are capabilitati de wireless.Laptopul are capacitatea de a se conecta la internet printr-o retea wireless. Ca sa fac configurarile necesare pentru ca laptopul sa se conecteze la internet prin intermediul wireless-ului de la router, trebuie sa am o placa de retea wireless montata la calculator, sau toata conexiunile se fac doar prin intermediul router-ului? Ma scuzati daca asceasta intrebare pare prosteasca dar in acest domeniu am cunostinte foarte putine.
  3. http://i40.tinypic.com/1zv5yef.jpg
  4. ba merge, fisierul nu e sters
  5. Extreme GPU Bruteforcer is a professional solution for the recovery of passwords from hashes using GPU. The software supports hashes of the following types: MySQL, MySQL5, DES(Unix), MD4, MD5, MD5(Unix), MD5(APR), MD5(phpBB3), MD5(Wordpress), LM, NTLM, SHA-1 and many others. On modern graphics cards from NVIDIA that support the CUDA technology, the software demonstrates outstanding operation speed. For example, an average attack speed on NVIDIA GTS250 is 420 million passwords per second for MD5 hashes, 700 million passwords per second for MySQL hashes and 550 million passwords per second for NTLM hashes. The solution implements several unique attacks, including mask and dictionary attacks, which allow recovering even the strongest passwords incredibly fast. Utilizing the power of multiple graphics cards running simultaneously (supports up to 32 GPU), the software allows reaching incredible search speeds of billions of passwords per second! The number of salted hashes the software can handle simultaneously: 800; the number of unsalted hashes: unlimited. To launch the program, pass the following command-line parameters to it: 1. Name of the INI file with attack settings. This parameter is not mandatory, since by default each EXE module uses the INI file with the name identical to the module name (for example, "MD5.exe" will use settings from the "MD5.ini" file available in the program setup file). However, you can create several INI files with different attack parameters and feed them to the program one after another. 2. Name of the text file with hashes. The format of hash lines to be observed: "one line = one hash". The program setup file includes evaluation files with hash samples. This parameter is mandatory. Link: Download InsidePro.Extreme.GPU.Bruteforcer.v2.0-DOA.rar for free on Filesonic.com
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