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Posts posted by cGhhbnRvbWFz

  1. @IceyJoke ARM face parte din titlu. Eu am scris acolo rezultatul comenzii "tree".

    Am incercat sa fac arhiva sa le pun pe toate: merge greu, am net mobil.

    Aici e partea de assembly:


    O sa pun si celelalte parti pe rand.

    @Nytro aia e cartea pe care o am si eu. Am rasfoit-o si nu e reverse la POO.

  2. 95791114tl9.jpg

    This book opens the door to the wonderful world of security mechanisms, showing you how protection is created, and then bypassed. It is addressed to anyone who likes captivating puzzles, and to anyone who spends their spare (or office) time rummaging in the depths of programs and operating systems. Lastly, it is for anyone who is engaged constantly or incidentally in writing protections, and who wants to know how to counteract ubiquitous hackers competently and reliably.

    This book is devoted to hacking basics — to the skills needed for working with a debugger and a disassembler. The methods of identifying and reconstructing the key structures of the source language — functions (including virtual ones), local and global variables, branches, cycles, objects and their hierarchies, mathematical operators, etc. — are described in detail.

    Download: aici


    Any other books from here will be uploaded at your request.


    ³ ARM Assembly Language Programming - Pete Cockerell.pdf

    ³ Assembly Language Step-by-Step Programming with DOS and Linux.chm

    ³ Assembly Language, The True Language Of Programmers.pdf

    ³ Jones and Bartlett,Introduction to 80x86 Assembly Language and Computer Architecture.pdf

    ³ Linux Assembly Language Programming 2000.pdf

    ³ MIPS Assembly Language Programming 2003.pdf

    ³ Professional Assembly Language.pdf

    ³ Springer - Guide to Assembly Language Programming in Linux.pdf

    ³ The Art Of Assembly Language 2003.chm

    ³ The art of Assembly Language 8086.pdf

    ³ The Zen Of Assembly Language 1990 - Michael Abrash.pdf

    ³ Windows Assembly Language & Systems Programming- 16 And 32 Bit Low-Level Programming for the PC and Windows 1997 - Barry Kauler.pdf

    ³ Windows assembly language and systems programming 1997.pdf

    ³ Write Great Code Understanding the Machine, Volume I.chm

    ³ WRITE GREAT CODE, Vol. 2 Thinking Low-Level, Writing High-Level.pdf


    Computer Architecture

    ³ Advanced Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing.pdf

    ³ Computer Organization and Architecture 6ed 2003.pdf

    ³ Fundamentals of Computer Organization and Architecture.pdf

    ³ Jones & Bartlett, The Essentials of Computer Organization and Architecture -2003.chm

    ³ Morgan Kaufmann Computer Architecture, A Quantitative Approach 3rd edition 2002.pdf

    ³ Principles of Computer Architecture - 1999.pdf


    Reverse Engeniering

    A-list CD Cracking Uncovered - Protection Against Unsanctioned CD Copying.chm

    A-LIST, Hacker Disassembling Uncovered 2003.chm

    Introduction To Software Reverse Engineering 2003.pdf

    Reverse Engineering of Object Oriented Code.pdf

    Reversing - Secrets of Reverse Engineering.pdf

    Static And Dynamic Reverse Engineering Techniques For Java Software Sysytems.pdf

    The Art Of Exploitation 2003.chm

    • Upvote 1
  3. de buna seama n-are ce face SRI-ul decat sa impiedice atacurile RNS

    wildchild fiecare structura de genu trebuie sa-si justifice periodic activitatile prin rapoarte. Aici nu vorbim de ce ai zis tu (S.R.I) ci de acel departament al "politiei IT", care normal ca nu pot sa opreasca atacurile RNS dar pot sa prinda copii precum BlackBoy si sa se laude sefilor ca au facut ceva.

  4. Hai J1c0 zii pe fata daca tot ai inceput subiectul.

    Uite daca vrei iti dau un profil de FB de la una in domeniu iar tu te ocupi sa scoti cat mai multe de la ea. Tipa merge pe principiul informatiei valide(si verificate) la schimb.

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