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    making cq
  • Biography
    25 years, ukraine, interested in making cq
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  1. hi

    do you understand programming?

    use autoit?

    i want to find out how cqkiller works?

    thanx for your answer

  2. where can i see the code of cqkiller in autoit?
  3. where can i see the qutoit code for cqkiller?
  4. i just want to learn - can anybody tell me where to get the code or just show it to me?
  5. are there any programmers? do anybody knows the code of cq?
  6. but it is not true cq works as program and its princip of work is very interesting for me - i want to create the variant of it can anybody show me the code if he/she has made it pls
  7. who know the code of cq in autoit?

    or where can i see it?

    tell me pls

    i want to learn


  8. who can show me cqkiller code? i just want to learn it pls
  9. where can i llok into the cq code?
  10. where can i learn autoit code for cq killer?
  11. what is the code of the program?
  12. anybody knows how to write code in autoit 3.0 to hack the game? get the question - check the database (if the question exists - show the answer if such answer is among the 4 viewed - else - show "-" and when the correct answer appears - add it into the database so can any show this code in autoit?
  13. totti93, can you show us autoit code for cqkiller?>
  14. the hack is written in autoit 3.0 and it contains code thanks to running which program gets the question and show the existing answer, or add the corrent answer into the database.. anybody knows where to look on this code?
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