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  1. ################################################## ####### Coder : BUNNN Made in : Romania, Europe Gfx by : SpiLoT and Kano Credits: Cobein Steve10120 Slayer616 SqUeEzEr : D Who! Darkbreak Beta testers : BlackDark Jonhyk Mi4night Mystik Xenon Goblert Peacefull Hero420 Jumper ################################################## ####### First of all, this is the worst crypter you ever seen with the worst GUI so please don't use it ! This Crypter is not designed to be one 'simple crypter' and is not designed for noob users. http://i38.tinypic.com/b6pjmg.png http://i33.tinypic.com/14sjq5v.png http://i28.tinypic.com/vzj9kg.jpg http://i25.tinypic.com/28ck66s.jpg http://i26.tinypic.com/2dkivc5.jpg http://i31.tinypic.com/16icoqe.jpg http://i38.tinypic.com/1r6901.png http://i37.tinypic.com/28b8ebb.png Client Options : + multiple binder/crypter/packer/downloader/parameter support + binded files and urls are hight crypted with your custom encryption-autogenerate random password for each binded file, you can also chose password level + delayed execution for each binded file/url + various anti methods by SqUeEzEr + custom stub/fake message/delayed execution + change icon/clone a file / null pe info / change pe entry point/add new pe section/fix pe checksum/ null pe icon /clone icon/anti padding/EOF data saver / Zero EntryPoint + Activex / HKLM / HKCU startup + you can chose randomize level 1 - slow , 2 - medium, 3 -hard + drop binded/downloaded files to temp/windows/system32/system/drivers + inject binded files to this exe/explorer/services/svchost/internet explorer/default browser (use inject file for bypass avs on run time) http://i37.tinypic.com/28b8ebb.png tutorial Uniq Stub Generator options: + 11 stub encryptions: blowfish/twofish/aes/huffman/ds1/tea/skipjack/gost/cryptapi/rc4/xor + 4 APis/strings encryptions: Rotx/Ascii/Xor/Hex + 3 limiters, for more unique rate + all encryptions are full randomized + added Huffman, one compression/encryption algorithm, so this is also packer + all strings/functions/variables/constants and version info are randomized + all functions place in (clas) module are randomized. + all possible string and all api's are encrypted with 2 encryptions, first with one custom encryption and last with random rotx encryption. + you can chose randomize level 1 - slow , 2 - medium, 3 -hard + add fake options / junk code + you can put your custom limiters/resource name + stub can be compiled to P-Code or Natie-Code + add fake APis ( very usefull) + scramble code(add goto functions) + more unique rate for each stub *Seems now av's get fly crypter stubs by vb functions, because they don't find any other static code or some malware code. DOWNLOAD // Removed
  2. Inteleg ca e greu pentru tine.. hai sa iti explic: AM BACK-UP EMAIL .. dupa cum vezi in img urmatore.. da.. s poate seta. asa.. bun.. el mi-a "spart" parola cu istealer... si mi-a resetat parola si a pus mail-u lui ca un al 3-lea mail de back-up, dar prostu nu la sters pe al meu.. adica al 2 mail, comprende? si asa am putut sa imi resetez parola. Si evident cand a pus el mailu lui mi sa trimis pe mailu meu mesaj de confirmare cu a 3-lea mail de back-up>
  3. 1. Mai iesi din casa... 2. iti dau mailu lu respectivu.. si ii faci u c vrei.. dar nici asa nu-i bine, nu? pt ca nu vei face nimic ca ai prea multa treaba... p.s: daca crezi ca toti au intenti ascunse.. inseamna ca viata a fost prea trista cu tine.
  4. Azi mi s-a spart parola de yahoo.. istealer... etc. Bun.. si hackerul respectiv mi-a schimbat parola. Numa ca eu baiat destept.. mi-am pus si back-up email si am resusit sa imi recuperez parola. Dar surpriza.. in mail am dat de adresa de mail a respectivului... si acum vreau revenge ) Tot ce mi-a venit in cap .. e un email bomber... dar.. vreau ceva mai sinistru.. Astept Idei P.S: nu vreau sa fur si sa invat nimic, vreau doar niste idei sucite )
  5. aaa... OK... NU MERGE ... Si e virus..
  6. yakuza23


    salut, ma ajuta si p mine cineva cu un istealer k si .. dl d mai sus.. l-am bagat in VM si nu s deschide nimic..
  7. Concluzie: E TZEAPA!!! Nu mai incercatzi ca nu merge. Toata faza asta a fost pt cei care se inscrisesera pe forum ca sa faca rost d CQKILL. Shi pt ca Nemesiss avuse-se niste probleme cu moderatori de pe bitefight, sa gandit ca sa le faca spam pe forum, si sa le mai dea si niste batai de cap. Ca urmare inscrierile pe forumul bitefight sunt inchise.Deasta la majoritate nu le vine codul de activare. SLICK NU A FACUT SI NICI NU VA FACE CQKILL PUBLIC!!. Atata timp cat Linku d download nu este public, nici programul nu va fi. ... asa ca va rog, pe cei care zic ca il au si ca au facut rost de el prin intermediul forumului bitefight, sa imi faca si mie o demonstratie. Daca vreti puteti sa ma contactati p ID-u: razor_911 *** CASE CLOSED *** P.S.: si daca se poate si slick sa confirme ca programul a fost public.( ca la urma urmei el este "autorul")
  8. Am facut c a zis nemesis... far mi sa raspuns k e tzeapa. Pt cei care zic ca il au, s poate sa PM me?.. Multzumesc anticipat
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