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Everything posted by l00p

  1. SPEED.CD :: Signup
  2. Deschid acest subiect pentru a face schimb de informatii intre noi, gen de publisheri testati ( plati primite ) media per click etc. Eu momentan folosesc adsense media per click e 15 centi.
  3. Cati din cei care au postat in acest thread au fost macar o data la politie pentru o declaratie?De cate ori va ridicat politia de acasa de fata cu parintii?
  4. Inainte sa mai comentati aiurea cititi postul lui @neme http://rstcenter.com/forum/10541-vladuz-fost-prins.rst
  5. Da normal frauda:)
  6. A Romanian court on Wednesday handed a three-year suspended sentence to a hacker accused of causing auction website eBay millions of dollars in losses by illegally accessing its email accounts. "The Bucharest appeal court rejected both the prosecutors' and the defendant's appeals," spokesman Daniel Gradinaru told AFP. Vlad Duiculescu, 23, was arrested in April 2008 on the suspicion of "fraudulently and repeatedly" accessing eBay's accounts from 2005-2007, causing the company losses estimated at two million dollars, according to prosecutors. The hacker known as "Vladuz" was arrested during an operation conducted jointly with the US Secret Service and the FBI. The company at the time publicly thanked the Romanian police "for successfully arresting cyber-criminal Vladuz, who had attempted to defraud eBay users." The hacker spent nearly two years in prison awaiting trial, before being released in January 2010. Several cyber-crime networks operating from Romania have been dismantled in the last few years, often with the help of US experts. Romania eBay hacker gets suspended sentence - Yahoo! News
  7. l00p

    Surse p0rn ?

    +rep @hack1409 corect!
  8. l00p

    Surse p0rn ?

    Are careva surse fresh de p0rn? Scene de maxim 25 de min si posibilitate de download ? ty
  9. Exista si o solutie la treaba, ce-i drept nu permanenta dar pentru inceput zic ca e ok. O categorie speciala pentru chestiile fud gen stealere, cryptere etc cu permisiunile de rigoare nush gen 400 posturi ok. Ar reduce si spread-ul pe rst.
  10. Circuitul virusilor in “natura”… sau cum se face trafic de conturi furate cu ajutorul unui malware
  11. nop oricum sa rezolvat
  12. conturi de 1and1?
  13. Am si eu nevoie de o invitatie, dau la schimb pe filelist.
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