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Posts posted by mariorossi

  1. vsencryptor_file_full.png

    VSEncryptor is an easy to use file and text encryption program. You can encrypt any file or text you choose. To access the file (or text) again, you would need access to the password that was used while encrypting.

    VSEncryptor is a serious solution, but at the same time is easy to use and does not require any technical background – just select any file (or type text) and choose ‘Encrypt’ – or simply drag the file to the proper editor box.

    VSEncryptor supports a variety of encryption algorithms, including:

    • AES-128
    • AES-192
    • AES-256
    • RC2
    • RC4
    • DES
    • Triple DES
    • Blowfish
    • Twofish
    • Serpent
    • Camellia
    • Skipjack
    • CAST-256
    • MARS
    • RC5
    • RC6
    • IDEA
    • SEED
    • SHACAL-2
    • XTEA
    • GOST

    VSEncryptor provides a command-line interface. Use:

    1. VSEncryptor.exe <input file>
    2. VSEncryptor.exe /ifile <input file> [/ofile <output file>]
    3. to open <input file> file. You can define name of destination file (<output file>) via "/ofile"




    Are you kidding?


  2. Off: din cate imi amintesc ,daca nu ai ultima versiune nu te lasa sa instalezi. N-am inteles cum fac asta ,i-am taiat inclusiv conexiunea la internet si tot nu m-a lasat. E vorba de o versiune mai veche,nu stiu daca si acum procedeaza la fel.

    La mine a mers fara a avea alte versiuni precedente!

  3. @ps-axl Foarte tare,sincer bravo.

    @mariorossi Sincer,mie mi-ar placea sa nu puna Blowfish, p.bull, RxBot si Rot-N,pentru ca asa ar decripta oricine,orice.Programelele alea sa le gasiti voi si sa decriptati cand este nevoie,ca prea mult se da mura in gura.

    prietene eu le am stai tu linistit , ma refeream in general!

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