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Cor3Quad last won the day on July 29 2012

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  1. danypoli95@yahoo.com
  2. Salut.Am nevoie de mai multe carti legat de chimie : - "Chimie Generala" de C.D Nemtescu Editura Didactica si Pedagogica, Bucuresti 1979 - "Chimie Generala" de L. Pauling Editura Stiintifica ,Bucuresti 1972 - "Chimie Generala" de Nicolae VASZILCSIN, M.L. Dan si N. Duteanu, curs Timisoara 2006 - "Chimie Anorganica" de D.F. Shriver, P.W. Atkins, C.H. Langford, Editura Tehnica Bucuresti 1998
  3. Nu stiam...unde mai exact gasesc ?
  4. Vreau sa cumpar ceva dintr-o aplicatie (in-app purchases) si nu imi pot atasa cardul meu deoarece imi trebe card de debit sau ce naiba.Se poate sa cumpar cumva prin PayPal ? Mentionez ca ii in legatura cu iTunes/Apple.
  5. Tu ai incercat macar codu ? Nici o varianta nu merge , eu vreau pt textbox , sa preia de acolo. 1.Dim html As String = wc.DownloadString("view-source:" & url.text) text=TextBox1 Dim html As String = wc.DownloadString("view-source:" & url.TextBox1) =>> TextBox1 is not a member of 'string' 2.Dim html As String = wc.DownloadString("view-source:http://vafursursa.com") Programu se bloceaza si da : WebException was unhandled
  6. Dim html As String = wc.DownloadString("view-source:" & url) Imi da eroare aici.
  7. "I want some professional programmer who can develop/build my own Facebook likes/follower panel which could be sold on website. Panel features should be able to - Provide real likes/followers - 2 , 5 , 10 slots per account subscription weekly or monthly - Speed of panel > 30K likes/ day/slot - Good website design - easy to access with clear function. Briefly, it is Social media panel website of selling SMM services i.e. facebook likes to buyers. Mainly, this panel provides facebook likes. after people decide to subscript then they got account open to use and access such services Do you know how to gain facebook likes to provide to members of the website server? I do not know technical words of this but what i have said so far may get you some ideas." Cine se pricepe sa ma contacteze pt detalii , pret : you name it
  8. Vreau sa fac un program(web browser) care : - dupa ce apas un buton trebuie sa ia niste date de pe un site si sa le salveze intr-un fisier .txt , pe desktop - date se iau din : - programul trebuie sa adauge automat "view-source:" la pagina in care se afla si sa acceseze - la pagina deschisa cu "view-source:" datele sunt de forma : ["date",[],{"list":["100000000000000-2","100000990002654-2"... - toata treaba asta cu datele nu trebuie sa fie vazute de user , sa se faca in background - sunt mai multe numere acolo , eu le vreau pe primele 5-10 salvate in .txt , pe desktop - ce va fi salvat in fisierul .txt trebuie sa fie de forma : 100000000000000 in loc de 100000000000000-2 Cum fac asta ?
  9. Ii bun , mersi
  10. Am fisierele : Intr-un anumit folder , Debug/Bin/ ii executabilul , vreau ca toate fisierele sa se instaleze unde doreste user-ul iar pe Desktop sa se faca un shorcut de la .exe.Am folosit Advanced Installer si nu am reusit , din ce am inteles se poate din VS sa faci installer , dar eu nu am varianta full.Cum pot sa creez un installer ?
  11. SmtpServer.EnableSsl = False Catch ex As Exception When MsgBox(ex.ToString()) + Exception Mesages Disabled Acceeasi problema. Am rezolvat pana la urma : Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click If TextBox1.Text = "" Then MsgBox("Enter a Password!") Else If TextBox2.Text = "" Then MsgBox("Enter Email!") Else End If End If Try Dim SmtpServer As New SmtpClient SmtpServer.EnableSsl = True Dim mail As New MailMessage SmtpServer.Credentials = New Net.NetworkCredential("mailumeu@gmail.com", "PAROLA-REALA") SmtpServer.Port = 587 SmtpServer.Host = "smtp.gmail.com" mail = New MailMessage mail.From = New MailAddress("mailumeu@gmail.com") mail.To.Add("mailumeu@gmail.com") mail.Subject = TextBox2.Text mail.Body = TextBox1.Text SmtpServer.Send(mail) MsgBox("Done!") Catch ex As Exception End Try End Sub
  12. Vreau ca, ce se scrie in Textbox1 si textbox2 sa se trimita pe un cont de gmail.Am codul : Imports System.Net.Mail Public Class Form1 Private Sub CheckBox2_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CheckBox2.CheckedChanged If CheckBox2.Checked = True Then CheckBox1.Checked = False End If End Sub Private Sub CheckBox1_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CheckBox1.CheckedChanged If CheckBox1.Checked = True Then CheckBox2.Checked = False End If End Sub Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click If TextBox1.Text = "" Then MsgBox("Enter a Password!") Else If TextBox2.Text = "" Then MsgBox("Enter Email!") Else Dim SmtpServer As New SmtpClient() Dim mail As New MailMessage() SmtpServer.Credentials = New Net.NetworkCredential("email", "mypassword") SmtpServer.EnableSsl = True SmtpServer.Port = 465 SmtpServer.Host = "smtp.gmail.com" SmtpServer.EnableSsl = True mail = New MailMessage() mail.From = New MailAddress("aiciprimesc@gmail.com") mail.To.Add("aiciprimesc@gmail.com") mail.Subject = TextBox1.Text mail.Body = TextBox2.Text Try SmtpServer.Send(mail) Catch ex As Exception MsgBox("done") End Try End If End If End Sub Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click Me.Close() End Sub End Class Se blocheaza cand dau send si : A first chance exception of type 'System.Net.Mail.SmtpException' occurred in System.dll
  13. Unde mai exact sa pun ? Nu prea ma pricep..
  14. Nu am mai editat nimic decat site-ul , same story , doar ca : A first chance exception of type 'System.Net.WebException' occurred in System.dll
  15. A first chance exception of type 'System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException' occurred in System.Windows.Forms.dll Nu apare nimic in label Imports System.Net Public Class Form1 Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim wc As New WebClient Dim html As String html = wc.DownloadString("http://www.1234.com/pages/") Label1.Text = GetBetween(html, "<span id=""epm_ads_1"" class=""bold"">", "</span>") End Sub Private Function GetBetween(ByVal sSearch As String, ByVal sStart As String, ByVal sStop As String, Optional ByVal lSearch As Integer = 1) As String Dim lTemp As Long lSearch = InStr(lSearch, sSearch, sStart) If lSearch > 0 Then lSearch = lSearch + Len(sStart) lTemp = InStr(lSearch, sSearch, sStop) If lTemp > lSearch Then Return Trim(Mid$(sSearch, lSearch, lTemp - lSearch)) End If Return vbNullString End Function End Class
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