Dear Dr.d3v1l
The vulnerabilities you reported has been fixed.
As a token of our appreciation we would like to offer you a t-shirt. If you would like a t-shirt please provide us with your preferred t-shirt size (S/M/L/XL/XXL) and on what address you would like to receive the t-shirt.
Thanks in advance for your reply and thanks again for your report.
am incerca si cuv gopher:// file:// ftp:// php://filter/convert.base64-encode/resource=/etc/passwd , dar nimica . Am log per server de la request dar nu pot citi etc/passwd
Salut Rst , cum as putea exploita complet aceasta xxe ? Am vazut un pic de topic de la owasp , da este local daca nu gresesc da se poate face si remote cred din cate am citit
*Ofer o mica suma pentru cine ma ajuta sa gasesc un exploit valid .