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  1. Win Control Features ====================================== Disable Download in IE Explorer Run specified EE files only Set fied Desktop Wallpaper Protect Desktop Icons Desktop Restrictions Disable/Hide various Control Panel entries Hide Start Menu entries Disable Control Panel Disable Task Manager Disable Registry Disable Command Prompt Hide Drives Disable Network Properties Disable Printer Properties Disable IE Eplorer Properties Set fied Wallpaper picture Apply changes to Windows Groups Apply changes to Windows Users Usage of Windows built-in users Uninstall included Uninstall is password protected Access to settings is password protected Online Update directly from program available Longterm development planned (e.g. Microsoft VISTA) ====================================== Download aici Name: RSTzone.net Serial: 0165-9405-2668 ======================================
  2. lol ...ceva mai bu nnu ai reusit sa gasesti ? btw nu'i virus e script de pe vremea lu' ceasca ...ai uitat sa scrii ca se pune intr'un fisier .bat xDD
  3. am postat la cereri fara sa am cel putin 10 posturi dupa ce am citit regulile mi'am dat seama
  4. poti sa le urci in alta parte decat RS ? pls
  5. Trillian™ is a fully featured, stand-alone, skinnable chat client that supports AOL, JABBER, AIM, ICQ, MSN, Yahoo Messenger, and IRC. It provides capabilities not possible with original network clients, while supporting standard features such as audio chat, file transfers, group chats, chat rooms, buddy icons, multiple simultaneous connections to the same network, server-side contact importing, typing notification, direct connection (AIM), proxy support, encrypted messaging (AIM/ICQ), SMS support, and privacy settings. ===================================================================================== Click pt. dOWNLOAD sau http://rapidshare.de/files/29360526/Trillian.ace.html ===================================================================================== ^---Kit + Crack + Cool Plugins---^
  6. www.symbian-freak.com <--Symbian stuff
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