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Everything posted by Lord0

  1. fuck dinamo
  2. ii super uploaded.to,mersi scara
  3. este super skinu imi pace foarte mult
  4. hehe arata bine.felicitari encoded
  5. mmmm...ai putea da o descriere?
  6. pare interesant mersi
  7. ca lume mersi
  8. haha,lovitura de geniu :@
  9. hacker la 63 de ani?destept mosu!
  10. seamana cu computeru meu :@
  11. eu as vrea doar sa va preznt un detaliu al mouseului meu:a costat 3 milioane de ROL(VECHI)
  12. niciodata nu am inteles ce era asa de grozav la astalavista in afara de forumul lor pentru care trbuia sa platesti bani destul de multi
  13. Lord0


    tocmai a devenit noul meu desktop
  14. hahahaha.prostia atinge noi limite
  15. Ati vazut si voi suntem #1
  16. hehe ca lumea
  17. traducerea e destul de buna
  18. It is actually pretty simple to steal files from websites like flash files.. First, right click on the site & view the source.. Then find the swf file which u want to steal from the website.. It will be like... "www.domain.com/files/flash/game.swf "... Find it in the source code & copy it onto the clipboard & open notepad... Now write in notepad---> Code: FLASH FILE Now save the notepad file as ----> anyname.html After saving open it in u're browser.... If u have done everything correct then u will see a blue link named as FLASH FILE ... Right Click on it & select "Save Target As"....... & u're flash file is downloaded.... Keep Stealing....!!!! Lol... Nu eu am facut tutorialul
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