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Everything posted by cramdering

  1. Download: Download Joiner.rar from Sendspace.com - send big files the easy way
  2. Salut, cine m? poate ajuta sa pic un ip (un user de pe mess) dau în schimb 100- 300 logg-uri sau ni?te conturi de filelist,... nu am altceva Pentru cei care vor intreba ca de ce nu il pic singur , Nu am band? destul? , am root-uri dar nu ma duce conexiunea:) momentan am net prost.. deci dac? vrea sa m? ajute careva astept pm. Mul?umesc
  3. Bun de nimic, 3 conturi pe 3 e-mail-uri si pe nici unul inca n-am primit mail de activare:)
  4. Mai functioneaza tutorialul"? de unde pot sa i'au certificate de inregistrare ptr site (CUI ,nume firma ,etc)? Multumesc.
  5. Nimeni nu mai stie sa aprecieze nimic... toti sar si ataca .. de parca ei sunt mai buni
  6. Buna seara, cine ma poate ajuta si pe mine sa-mi spuna cum pot sa pun o arhiva de flood pe root? Sunt incepator in acest domeniu, deci va rog fara comentarii aiurea, daca doreste cineva sa ma ajute ok daca nu iar ok. deci va rog fara mistourii si pnm.. Multumesc
  7. cu aceste root-uri poti flooda 'un site micut ' free gen ucoz.com ? de cat sunt root-uriile? a testat careva?
  8. Daca baiatul asta te reclama , o sa ai viitorul asigurat cu mancare si caldura
  9. Nu e bun de nimic, plm am incercat cu 20 de surse si nimic .. am facut un mic test pe mine am 2 pc-uri iar la unul am net prin stick deci e varza si nu am patit nimic... doar imi scria atacul a fost trimis
  10. Nu ma poate ajuta nimeni? macar un site ceva cu care sa poti afla ip-ul unei persoane, fara ca persoana aia sa dea click pe acel link. nu vreau acel site (desk-apps) daca stie cineva o alta metoda sau un script ceva.. Nu imi trebuie pentru ' flood ' ci doar am trimis un sv unei victime si imi trebuie ip-ul sa ma pot conecta
  11. buna, stiu ca nu am numarul de posturi care trebuie si imi cer scuze sper sa nu sara toti pe mine. As avea si eu nevoie de un script ptr aflarea ip-ul pe mess, ceva gen trimiti un link victimei si apare ip-ul un ex: acest site Free Tools Get Yahoo IP, Location, Check Status, Check Invisible dar din pacate e down nu mai functioneaza daca ma poate ajuta cineva ii sunt recunoscator, daca nu e oke imi cer scuze.
  12. cramdering

    Deep Web

    What is Deep Web? Internet is known as deep or invisible Internet ( Deepnet, Invisible Web, Dark Hidden Web or Web) to all Internet content that is not part of the Internet Superficial, ie the pages indexed by engine networks Internet search. This is due to the limitations of the network to access all websites for various reasons. In 2000 it was estimated that the size of the Deep Internet was 7,500 terabytes of data in some 550,000 million documents. For comparison it is estimated that at that time the Internet Superficial occupied 167 Terabytes and content of the Library of Congress had around 3,000 Terabytes that were not accessible by the search engines. Estimates based on extrapolation from a study by the University of California at Berkeley Internet speculates that currently the Deep should have about 91,000 terabytes. Note the danger that has deep surf the web as many of the existing contents are 'sensitive', ie gangs, drugs, pornography, weapons, etc.. How can we access the Deep Web? I then explained using TOR. First, we have to lower TOR of its official website, which provides anonymity in navigation. Once downloaded, unzip and run it. Leave them as follows. When you have completed the TOR network connection will open a firefox screen like the show. Now we access the Hidden Wiki 'http://kpvz7ki2v5agwt35.onion' is one of the main sites that exist within the Deep Web. Sometimes there problem loading for that reason I do not show a catch. I also recommend using the deep web search, it's not like google ajaj ... 'Http://xycpusearchon2mc.onion' Be careful when visiting websites of this type, there are very deplorable content.
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