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  1. ===================================================== Stored XSS Vulnerability in ADPlugg Wordpress Plugin ===================================================== . contents:: Table Of Content Overview ======== * Title :Stored XSS Vulnerability in ADPlugg Wordpress Plugin * Author: Kaustubh G. Padwad * Plugin Homepage: https://wordpress.org/plugins/adplugg/ * Severity: Medium * Version Affected: 1.1.33 and mostly prior to it * Version Tested : 1.1.33 * version patched: 1.1.34 Description =========== Vulnerable Parameter -------------------- * Access Code About Vulnerability ------------------- This plugin is vulnerable to a Stored cross site scripting vulnerability,This issue was exploited when administrator users with access to AdPlugg Setting in wordpress Access code parameter is vulnerable for stored XSS. A malicious administration can hijack other users session, take control of another administrator's browser or install malware on their computer. Vulnerability Class =================== Cross Site Scripting (https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Top_10_2013-A3-Cross-Site_Scripting_(XSS) Steps to Reproduce: (POC) ========================= After installing the plugin * Goto settings --> AdPlugg * Put This payload in Access Code "><script>alert(document.cookie)</script> * Click on the Save Changes you will see XSS in action * Reload the page or re navigate to page to make sure its stored Mitigation ========== Update to Version 1.1.34 Change Log ========== https://wordpress.org/plugins/adplugg/changelog/ Disclosure ========== 18-February-2015 reported to developer 19-February-2015 Developer acknodlage the Bug 19-February-2015 Developer Patched the Bug and Push update 21-February-2015 Public Discloser credits ======= * Kaustubh Padwad * Information Security Researcher * kingkaustubh@me.com * https://twitter.com/s3curityb3ast * http://breakthesec.com * https://www.linkedin.com/in/kaustubhpadwad Source
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