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  1. Automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast (ADS- is a cooperative surveillance technology for tracking aircraft. The aircraft determines its own position and broadcasts this via a radio frequency. ADS-B is one of the technologies selected as part of the Next Generation Air Transportation System and the European CASCADE program. All aircraft transponders transmit data at the frequency 1090 MHz. To receive this transmissions we need a receiver for this frequency - an ADS-B-receiver. We will be using an SDR Dongle , a computer running Windows, and two programs: ADSBScope, and ADSB#. How it works: Antenna ----> electromagnetic waves ----> SDR Dongle ----> ADSB# -----> decodes data -----> ADSBScope ----> Gives me a GUI and pretty plane pictures to look at. 1. DL ADSB# and start decoder w/ SDR dongle plugged in. Keep all default settings. 2. DL ADSBScope and move map to your location w/ mouse. 3. Click Navigation ---> Set Receiver Location 4. Choose Other ---> Network ----> Network setup and choose ADSB and 'local'. 5. Now click Other ----> Network ----> RAW-Data Client Active. You should start seeing planes. 6. Choose Local Maps ----> Download from internet ----> then choose your location 7. Now, you can customize your colors, and range rings. Here are some excellent step by step instructions to get this running on your computer! Drivers: Windows Software [rtlsdr.org wiki] Sursa(adaptat?):Hak5 1525 - Track Aircraft with a $20 Software Defined Radio (Îmi cer scuze dac? se consider? reclam?)
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