The FBI has received logs containing IP addresses that took part in the Denial of Service attacks on various corporations including PayPal and Mastercard. Arrests have been made already. Not many, but you’re talking about a bureaucracy here, where they waste a lot of time. So more may be coming. So, maybe you took part in the attacks and used LOIC from your home computer? What does this mean exactly? I can tell you. This means that with the current version of LOIC, your current IP is sent in each packet header. Meaning your home IP address, meaning the trail does lead back to you. Yeah, I know what you’re thinking. That really does suck. I’ve heard rumors on the interwebs that LOIC is being updated to spoof the origin IP. This will complete the tool but unfortunately (or fortunately… to some investigators) it was not part of the public versions of the tool. Hunting Anonymous | Anti-Forensics