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  1. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA512 Product: phpTrafficA Product page: phpTrafficA Homepage Affected versions: Up to and including 2.3 (latest as of writing). Description: The user agent string provided by the browser is not sanitized nor escaped when handled. This string is then outputting into HTML code on the "Latest visitors > Details" page, leading to HTML injection that can be abused to perform XSS. For example, the following user agent will cause a JavaScript dialogbox to pop up as soon as the page is visited: "><script>alert();</script> This page can be hidden from the public, in which case only admins can visit it. However, the script still executes when they do, which could enable a malicious user agent to steal the phpTrafficA cookie (no expiry) or other admin credentials. Proposed fix: Escape the HTML characters with htmlspecialchars before outputting the user agent string. In: Php/stats/statsRecent.inc.php Line 304: echo "<tr class=\"data av $even $clrobots $clreturn\"><td nowrap>$end</td><td> $dur</td><td align=\"center\"> ".format_float($hits)." </td><td> <a href=\"./index.php?mode=stats&sid=$sid&show=clickstream?=$lang&ip=$ip\" title=\"".$strings['Moreinfovisitor']."\" class=\"basic\">$ipText</a> </td><td align=\"center\"> ".format_float($visits)." </td><td>".countryFlag($country)."</td><td>".osImg($os,'')."</td><td>".browserImg($wb,$agent)."</td><td>$page</td><td>$refString</td></tr>\n"; becomes: echo "<tr class=\"data av $even $clrobots $clreturn\"><td nowrap>$end</td><td> $dur</td><td align=\"center\"> ".format_float($hits)." </td><td> <a href=\"./index.php?mode=stats&sid=$sid&show=clickstream?=$lang&ip=$ip\" title=\"".$strings['Moreinfovisitor']."\" class=\"basic\">$ipText</a> </td><td align=\"center\"> ".format_float($visits)." </td><td>".countryFlag($country)."</td><td>".osImg($os,'')."</td><td>".browserImg($wb,htmlspecialchars($agent))."</td><td>$page</td><td>$refString</td></tr>\n"; Line 369: $echo = "<tr><td valign=\"top\" colspan=\"3\">$ip ($whoislink$baniplink)<br>$host<br>$labelTxt<table class=\"basic\"><tr><td>".countryNameFlag($country)."</td></tr></table></td><td valign=\"top\" colspan=\"2\">".$strings['Agent'].": $thisagent<br><table class=\"basic\"><tr><td>".osImgName($os)."</td><td>".browserImgName($wb)."</td></tr></table>".$strings['Referrer'].": "; becomes: $echo = "<tr><td valign=\"top\" colspan=\"3\">$ip ($whoislink$baniplink)<br>$host<br>$labelTxt<table class=\"basic\"><tr><td>".countryNameFlag($country)."</td></tr></table></td><td valign=\"top\" colspan=\"2\">".$strings['Agent'].": ".htmlspecialchars($thisagent)."<br><table class=\"basic\"><tr><td>".osImgName($os)."</td><td>".browserImgName($wb)."</td></tr></table>".$strings['Referrer'].": "; Best regards, Daniel Geerts -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.22 (Darwin) Comment: GPGTools - https://gpgtools.org iQIcBAEBCgAGBQJVJPGzAAoJEHn1bVIKHk5N5egP/0FRgNCiTwYyFwmqgcNLxOQ5 yuJtnGdGFvH0axXlvm+AgVYOtmM4erduSR3hCaSx4ER7f30SZkRCUuaW8aR1/Tow bdYzLXNHcY21gXkhHt+bWH7ZkEpUWxXR6ZzrwL5QO3Ez+QkDr1HUmg8QQPUia8Qk KGY+dbkRXqVR7MYRGjAbyceOEXpxpOtxaZ9UTSmQTGW31Upu+dmqkkOTbvV20tEj N07T4UwMffCGNWloeuXg8QvIlvwe22kV3+frA2qGxdWKHVl66iJAV0pQ+bxDgoxe Y3JsYKdeIhB6T0Yt7rpEbzlgaupQ9pg279bzGVVD4Z+AuNhvDY/4K6RZsFB11DGv eY4VR8KLyNuw5N/wLBGf9ZSL9dLBGatYxi0HoQtrmFqLppo1x6nhEV6A0gRulWRa 9L04PdWKmv+2/prwW9ygT7UFIdApT1q3Uljq9QQIWmdDxGx3YxFmvMVpC5NThtxO ElN8fhQpUKFss439qiLaGEMKO/D4bNC71Ydo6jvZOWQ+9eBxmMUT7XfK6fnB811c RTRON1SG73AWcbfpIJ/dM+g0jm6bcvVVQxNmaARdlf+E2ihXnMPU2k39ndfV/vqD 7iuZQraH1ZrQJAqjVmzHWvEfEPyeaiJPRguu1kmnG8QkSMDtBHIpGvvHCHSU4ioF +wxMYqlgbfJGakc4s5RO =wCVy -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- Source: http://packetstorm.wowhacker.com/1504-exploits/phptraffica23-xss.txt
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