Am gasit urmatorul puzzle foarte interesant: During the recent BrainBashers cipher convention, a binary code contest took place. The contest consisted of a binary code transmission where the spaces between the letters were missing and there was no punctuation. Each letter of the alphabet was translated into its binary equivalent based on its position in the alphabet: a=1, b=10, c=11, d=100, e=101, f=110, g=111, h=1000, i=1001, j=1010, k=1011, l=1100, m=1101, n=1110, o=1111, p=10000, q=10001, r=10010, s=10011, t=10100, u=10101, v=10110, w=10111, x=11000, y=11001, z=11010. What is the answer to the question being asked? 110011101001000100110011100110011110110 101100101100110010011101101001111010111 001010010000101011101011010110010110011 010010001111101011111000101001001101001 011111111010111001001000101110010000100 111010011100111011101100110011100111011 000011001011000110101101100111010010011 111111010111100011010010011001111111110 101100001100101011001111111110101 Ma gandesc daca poate cineva sa il faca. PS:Eu am incercat dar m-am dat batut dupa primul rand.