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  1. O sa postez in cele ce urmeaza un mic joc, care e foarte bun pentru cei care abia au inceput sa descopere C++. #include <iostream> #include <vector> //Simple Display void Display(std::vector<char> const &grid){ //Creez un grid basic std::cout << " " << 1 << " " << 2 << " " << 3 << "\n"; for(int a = 0; a < 9; a++){ if(a == 0) std::cout << "A "; if(a == 3) std::cout << "\nB "; if(a == 6) std::cout << "\nC "; //displaying grid. std::cout << " " << grid[a] << " "; } std::cout << "\n\n"; } //Returneaza true daca grid-ul e deja folosit. bool Used(int const& position, std::vector<char> const& grid){ if(grid[position] == '-') return false; else return true; } void Turn(std::vector<char> &grid, char player){ int row = 0; char column = 0; int position = 0; bool check = true; std::cout <<"\n" << player << ": Jucati !. \n"; while(check == true){ std::cout << "Row(1,2,3): "; std::cin >> row; std::cout << player << ": Column(A,B,C): "; std::cin >> column; position = 3*(column-'A')+(row-1); if(!Used(position,grid)){ check = false; } else{ std::cout << "Pozitie deja folosita. Incearca din nou. \n"; } } grid[position] = player; std::cout << "\n\n"; } bool Win(std::vector<char> const& grid, char player){ for(int a = 0; a < 3; a++){ if(grid[a] == player && grid[a+3] == player && grid[a+6] == player){ return true; } if(grid[3*a] == player && grid[3*a+1] == player && grid[3*a+2] == player){ return true; } } if(grid[0] == player && grid[4] == player && grid[8] == player){ return true; } if(grid[2] == player && grid[4] == player && grid[6] == player){ return true; } return false; } int main(){ std::vector<char>grid(9,'-'); while(true){ Display(grid); Turn(grid, 'X'); if(Win(grid, 'X')){ Display(grid); std::cout << "\n X este castigator. Are o bere! \n"; break; } Display(grid); Turn(grid,'O'); if(Win(grid, 'O')){ Display(grid); std::cout << "\n 0 este castigator. Are o bere! \n"; break; } } } Enjoy.
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