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Found 1 result

  1. WIK wik is command based wiki. It let you search for any wikipedia up to date article on one query to your terminal. Requirements Python3 beautifulsoup4 Installation Linux From Source sudo pip3 install beautifulsoup4 flit_core git clone https://github.com/yashsinghcodes/wik.git cd wik sudo pip3 install . PYPI sudo pip3 install wik Windows From Source pip install beautifulsoup4 flit_core git clone https://github.com/yashsinghcodes/wik.git cd wik pip install . PYPI pip install wik Options Using wik is acutally really simple. usage: wik [-h] [-s SEARCH] [-i INFO] [-q QUICK] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -s SEARCH, --search SEARCH Search any topic -i INFO, --info INFO Get info on any topic(Use correct name) -q QUICK, --quick QUICK Get the summary on any topic Example $ wik -q Linux Contribution You can contribute to the project by opening a issue if you face any or making a pull requests, if you think you can fix somthing or make improvment on the code. If you have some ideas related to the project you can contact me. Want to work with me? This is the task list if you think you can implement any please make a pull request. Download: wik-main.zip or git clone https://github.com/yashsinghcodes/wik.git Source
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