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Cu ocazia asta mi-am adus aminte ca am scris si eu candva un cod pentru un maus dinasta nebun :D ...oooold times....

#include <windows.h>

main (void)

POINT *newp, *oldp;
newp = new POINT;
oldp = new POINT;
FreeConsole ();
GetCursorPos (oldp);
for (
GetCursorPos (newp);
if (newp->x > oldp->x)
SetCursorPos (newp->x - 3, newp->y);
if (newp->x < oldp->x)
SetCursorPos (newp->x + 3, newp->y);
if (newp->y < oldp->y)
SetCursorPos (newp->x, newp->y + 3);
if (newp->y > oldp->y)
SetCursorPos (newp->x, newp->y - 3);
oldp->x = newp->x;
oldp->y = newp->y;

compilati-l sub Visual Studio pentru ca nu l-am testat sub altceva

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