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Your Nodejs authentication tutorial is wrong

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Your Node.js authentication tutorial is wrong

... digging through various Node.js tutorials, as it seems that every Node.js developer with a blog has released their own tutorial on how to do things the right way, or, more accurately, the way they do them. Thousands of front-end developers being thrown into the server-side JS maelstrom are trying to piece together actionable knowledge from these tutorials, either by cargo-cult-copypasta or gratuitous use of npm install as they scramble frantically to meet the deadlines set for them by outsourcing managers or ad agency creative directors.
One of the more questionable things in Node.js development is that authentication is largely left as an exercise to the individual developer. The de facto authentication solution in the Express.js world is Passport, which offers a host of strategies for authentication. If you want a robust solution similar to Plataformatec’s Devise for Ruby on Rails, you’ll likely be pointed to Auth0, a startup who has made authentication as a service.
Compared to Devise, Passport is simply authentication middleware, and does not handle any of the other parts of authentication for you: that means the Node.js developer is likely to roll their own API token mechanisms, password reset token mechanisms, user authentication routes and endpoints, and views in whatever templating language is the rage today. Because of this, there are a lot of tutorials that specialize in setting up Passport for your Express.js application, and nearly all of them are wrong in some way or another, and none properly implement the full stack necessary for a working web application.....



Source: https://medium.com/@micaksica/your-node-js-authentication-tutorial-is-wrong-f1a3bf831a46

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