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Resources for Learning about .NET Internals

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It all started with a tweet, which seemed to resonate with people:

The aim was to list blogs that specifically cover .NET internals at a low-level or to put it another way, blogs that answer the question how does feature ‘X’ work, under-the-hood. The list includes either typical posts for that blog, or just some of my favourites!

Note: for a wider list of .NET and performance related blogs see Awesome .NET Performance by Adam Sitnik

I wouldn’t recommend reading through the entire list, at least not in one go, your brain will probably melt. Picks some posts/topics that interest you and start with those.

Finally, bear in mind that some of the posts are over 10 years old, so there’s a chance that things have changed since then (however, in my experience, the low-levels parts of the CLR are more stable). If you want to double-check the latest behaviour, you’re best option is to read the source!

Community or Non-Microsoft Blogs

These blogs are all written by non-Microsoft employees (AFAICT), or if they do work for Microsoft, they don’t work directly on the CLR. If I’ve missed any interesting blogs out, please let me know!

Special mention goes to Sasha Goldshtein, he’s been blogging about this longer than anyone!!

Microsoft Engineers

The blogs below are written by the actual engineers who worked on, designed or managed various parts of the CLR, so they give a deep insight (again, if I’ve missed any blogs out, please let me know):


Finally, if you prefer reading off-line there are some decent books that discuss .NET Internals (Note: all links are Amazon Affiliate links):

All the books listed above I’ve bought copies of and read cover-to-cover, they’re fantastic resources.

I’ve also been recently recommend the 2 books below, they look good and certainly the authors know their stuff, but I haven’t read them yet:



Sursa: http://mattwarren.org/2018/01/22/Resources-for-Learning-about-.NET-Internals/

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