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BIND 9.5.0-P2 (randomized ports) Remote DNS Cache Poisoning

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Cred ca FOARTE multe site-uri sunt vulnerabile...

o aparut in New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/08/09/technology/09flaw.html?_r=1&oref=slogin

Successfully poisoned the latest BIND with fully randomized ports!

Exploit required to send more than 130 thousand of requests for the fake records like

131737-4795-15081.blah.com to be able to match port and ID and insert poisoned entry

for the poisoned_dns.blah.com.

# dig @localhost www.blah.com +norecurse

; <<>> DiG 9.5.0-P2 <<>> @localhost www.blah.com +norecurse

; (1 server found)

;; global options: printcmd

;; Got answer:

;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 6950

;; flags: qr ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 1, ADDITIONAL: 1


;www.blah.com. IN A


www.blah.com. 73557 IN NS poisoned_dns.blah.com.


poisoned_dns.blah.com. 73557 IN A

# named -v

BIND 9.5.0-P2

BIND used fully randomized source port range, i.e. around 64000 ports.

Two attacking servers, connected to the attacked one via GigE link, were used,

each one attacked 1-2 ports with full ID range. Usually attacking server is able

to send about 40-50 thousands fake replies before remote server returns the

correct one, so if port was matched probability of the successful poisoning is more than 60%.

Attack took about half of the day, i.e. a bit less than 10 hours.

So, if you have a GigE lan, any trojaned machine can poison your DNS during one night...

original source: http://tservice.net.ru/~s0mbre/blog/2008/08/08/



Nu sunt vulnerabile site-urile, sunt vulnerabile serverele de DNS :)

Si nu sunt vulnerabile foarte multe, sunt vulnerabile toate.

Si o sa mai fie, pentru ca problema este ca protocolul nu a fost gandit pentru faza asta.

Idea de baza e ca pana acum serverele DNS trimiteau raspunsuri de pe un port sursa fix. Singura chestie pe care trebuia s-o ghiceasca un atacator era Transaction ID (16 biti).

Asta se poate sparge cam intr-un minut trimitand TXID aleatoare.

Fixul lor a fost sa faca si portul sursa random ca sa trebuiasca sa-l ghicesti si pe asta.

Asa ca acum sunt 32 biti pe care trebuie sa-i ghicesti.

Deci nu s-a corectat problema doar s-a facut mult mai greu de realizat practic.

Rusul asta a aratat ca el a putut sa exploateze un server de DNS chiar si cu portul sursa random dar:

- dureaza cel putin 10 ore (original cam 1 minut)

- merge pe GigE LAN

- a folosit 2 calculatoare care trimit consecutiv pachete.

Deci cine are rabdare poate in orice moment sa exploateze orice server de DNS indiferent daca e patch-uit sau nu. E doar chestie de timp.

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