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My name is Borys I from Ukraina

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Hello komrads,


My name Borys, I from Ukraina. I hear from contacts user @sefu9581 talk big about my Urus car. I vant all people know, sefu9581 my worker, he feed chickens and pigs. One time I let him vash car, but he touch with dirty hands, make more dirty. After this, he only feed pigs and chickens until I fire him. One time he fix clogged toilet, but that all. Not good job. Toilet clogged again. He dumb. He don't have toilet home so he don't know how to toilet at the toilet.

About photos with equipment and SIM cards, not true. Those SIM cards only for call his mother, because she bad with technology, always block me instead of end call. But his mother better at vash car and feed pigs, so I hire her, and I fire him.
Please do not let sefu9581 touch your cars. He stupid, he filthy hands. He make more dirty with hands. Call his mother for good job. For hand jobs she better than her son 100%.

Edited by BorysFromUkraine
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Borys, why let sefu also smoke your stash? He is become more stupid and stupid each day, please, limit his consumption. Around the issue with the pigs, in Valcea no pigs, so he not understand how to properly take care of them. I think I have secret information about his mom, 10 years ago, she also got crazy and posted many many posts here, her name is Polonic, or for connesieurs Polonique. One day little kid find out that mom posted on big hacker forum, the boy got batshit mad then used the dark forces of the blackhat community to pretend building illicit wealth. Please limit access to internet, we not neeid another Polonique around. You must punish slave, tie him to Urus then feed to pigs!



Edited by 14pe
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Acest topic imi sugereaza ca am dreptate cu sugestia mea pentru continut fascinant. Cum a-ti auzit ca am Urus si ca incasez o suma frumusica in fiecare luna din hackareala ( si nu ma ocup cu cardeala / frauda pe net si nici cu ferma de sms-uri ) cum au inceput niste membri rstcenter sa se agite pe forum si altul sa isi faca un cont fake. Chiar daca vi se pare imposibil ce am spus, va mai zic o data: semintele in Urus au alt gust!!

Edited by sefu9581
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3 minutes ago, sefu9581 said:

Acest topic imi sugereaza ca am dreptate cu sugestia mea pentru continut fascinant. Cum a-ti auzit ca am Urus si ca incasez o suma frumusica in fiecare luna din hackareala ( si nu ma ocup cu cardeala / frauda pe net si nici cu ferma de sms-uri ) cum au inceput niste membri rstcenter sa se agite pe forum si altul sa isi faca un cont fake. Chiar daca vi se pare imposibil ce am spus, va mai zic o data: semintele in Urus au alt gust!!

Tell true, my pula have another taste in Urus. You vomit vhen you taste clean pula in my Urus. You told me pula spalata not good not tasty not for you. Give me aroma, you told me. No aroma for you @sefu9581. My pula clean all time. Your mother best. She likes clean. She good vith hands. 

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33 minutes ago, sefu9581 said:

Acest topic imi sugereaza ca am dreptate cu sugestia mea pentru continut fascinant. Cum a-ti auzit ca am Urus si ca incasez o suma frumusica in fiecare luna din hackareala ( si nu ma ocup cu cardeala / frauda pe net si nici cu ferma de sms-uri ) cum au inceput niste membri rstcenter sa se agite pe forum si altul sa isi faca un cont fake. Chiar daca vi se pare imposibil ce am spus, va mai zic o data: semintele in Urus au alt gust!!


Esti antreprenor, am inteles. Totusi, n-ai invatat nimic din celalalt post? Din nou, pun pariu ca nici nu stii cum arata cheile de la Urus dar continui sa te lauzi.


Sunt eu hackerul din corporatie,

La facut tichete am cea mai mare ratie.

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