cmiN Posted August 22, 2009 Report Posted August 22, 2009 #! /usr/bin/env python# 22.08.2009 <> 22.08.2009 | cmiN# Multihash Dictionary Attack (console)import sys, hashlib, multiprocessing, timeclass MDA: def __init__(self, hash_type, hexdigest_hash, words_file): self.intype = hash_type self.instr = hexdigest_hash self.infile = words_file self.outstr = None def check(self): if not self.intype in ("md2", "md4", "md5", "sha1", "sha224", "sha256", "sha384", "sha512", "ripemd"): raise Exception, "hash type not in available list" if not self.instr.isalnum() or self.instr.isdigit() or self.instr.isalpha(): raise Exception, "invalid hash" if self.intype == "md2" and not len(self.instr) / 2.0 * 8 == 128: raise Exception, "invalid hash length" elif self.intype == "md4" and not len(self.instr) / 2.0 * 8 == 128: raise Exception, "invalid hash length" elif self.intype == "md5" and not len(self.instr) / 2.0 * 8 == 128: raise Exception, "invalid hash length" elif self.intype == "sha1" and not len(self.instr) / 2.0 * 8 == 160: raise Exception, "invalid hash length" elif self.intype == "sha224" and not len(self.instr) / 2.0 * 8 == 224: raise Exception, "invalid hash length" elif self.intype == "sha256" and not len(self.instr) / 2.0 * 8 == 256: raise Exception, "invalid hash length" elif self.intype == "sha384" and not len(self.instr) / 2.0 * 8 == 384: raise Exception, "invalid hash length" elif self.intype == "sha512" and not len(self.instr) / 2.0 * 8 == 512: raise Exception, "invalid hash length" elif self.intype == "ripemd" and not len(self.instr) / 2.0 * 8 == 160: raise Exception, "invalid hash length" def start(self): generator = (line for line in open(self.infile, "r")) for word in generator: if, word.strip("\n")).hexdigest() == self.instr: self.outstr = word break def get(self): if self.outstr is None: print "The program didn't find a match for {hash_type} {hexdigest_hash} using all the words from {words_file}".format(hash_type=self.intype, hexdigest_hash=self.instr, words_file=self.infile) else: print "The plain text is {outstr} for {hash_type} {hexdigest_hash} using words from {words_file}".format(hash_type=self.intype, hexdigest_hash=self.instr, words_file=self.infile, outstr=self.outstr) __version__ = "1.0" __doc__ = """This class tries to find the plain text from a hash by reading strings from a file and verifying their hash with the wanted one.Available hash types: md2 md4 md5 sha1 sha224 sha256 sha384 sha512 ripemd"""def run(*args): try: print "Please wait..." time.clock() MDAinstance = MDA(args[1], args[2], args[3]) MDAinstance.check() except Exception, message: print "An error occurred: {0}".format(message) except: print "Unknown error." else: MDAinstance.start() MDAinstance.get() finally: print "Ready! Elapsed time: {0}''".format(time.clock())def main(): usage = """\t Multihash Dictionary Attack {0}{1}\tUsage: MhashDA hash_type hexdigest_hash words_fileWhere hash_type is one from the available types hexdigest_hash is the hash in hexadecimal string representation words_file is a text file containing the words needed to be hashed\tExample: MhashDA md5 d674dfcd8b4db6762bcb3667316d3bb9 D:\others\dict.txt""".format(MDA.__version__, MDA.__doc__) if len(sys.argv) == 4: pool.apply_async(run, args=sys.argv) else: print usage raw_input()if __name__ == "__main__": multiprocessing.freeze_support() pool = multiprocessing.Pool(1) main()Similar lui Brute Force, in schimb citeste string-urile dintr-un fisier in loc sa le genereze.Viteza: 0.3 ~ 0.4 Mh/sAvantaje: Nu incarca lista de cuvinte in memorie, ci citeste linie cu linie si verifica, trecand la linia urmatoare in caz de rezultat negativ pana obtine un pozitiv sau se termina lista. Quote