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Batch command competition

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The script have two options:

E - Enable Data Execution Prevention

D - Disable Data Execution Prevention

And the Batch http://pastebin.com/f42125692

@echo off
:: 29.08.2009 <> 29.08.2009 | cmiN
:: Challenge [Batch] Bcc DEP [prosoft] @ rstcenter.com


cd %systemroot%
cd ..
echo E - Enable Data Execution Prevention
echo D - Disable Data Execution Prevention
set /p answer=
if "%answer%"=="E" (
set status=noexecute
goto replace
if "%answer%"=="D" (
set status=execute
goto replace
echo Invalid option!
pause >nul


type nul>boot.tmp
for /f "tokens=1,2* delims==" %%a in (boot.ini) do (
if "%%b"=="" (
echo %%a>>boot.tmp
) else (
for /f "tokens=1,2 delims=/" %%x in ("%%b") do (
if "%%y"=="noexecute" (
if "%%c"=="" (
echo %%a=%%x/%status%>>boot.tmp
) else (
echo %%a=%%x/%status%=%%c>>boot.tmp
) else (
if "%%y"=="execute" (
if "%%c"=="" (
echo %%a=%%x/%status%>>boot.tmp
) else (
echo %%a=%%x/%status%=%%c>>boot.tmp
) else (
if "%%c"=="" (
echo %%a=%%b>>boot.tmp
) else (
echo %%a=%%b=%%c>>boot.tmp
attrib -s -h -r boot.ini
del boot.ini /f /q
ren boot.tmp boot.ini
attrib +r +h +s boot.ini
echo Ready.
pause >nul

If you want to do this without pressing a key delete from lines [10:23].

But I can't believe it's so easy in Python:

import os

os.system("attrib -s -h -r boot.ini")
with open("boot.ini", "r") as f:
x = f.read().replace("noexecute", "execute")
open("boot.ini", "w").write(x)
os.system("attrib +r +h +s boot.ini")

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