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mIRC ghost script

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this is a article about my ghost script for mirc

its for all thse ppl who are to stupid or so lazzy to make it them selfes.

its realy simple it consists out of 1 on join command and 1 on nick command


on *:join:#: {

if ($me != <nick>) && ($nick == <nick>) { msg nickserv ghost <nick> <password> | halt }

else { halt }


on *:nick: {

if ($me == $nick) || ($me == $newnick) { halt }

else {

if ($newnick == <nick>) { msg nickserv ghost <nick> <password> | halt }

else { halt }




isn't that simple?

the bad part is if you are not on the channel where that persone changes his nick or if he doesn't join a channel where your on then it doesn't work

you can also use it for several nicks


on *:join:#: {

if ($me != <nick>) && ($nick == <nick>) { msg nickserv ghost <nick> <password> | halt }

if ($me != <nick2>) && ($nick == <nick2>) { msg nickserv ghost <nick2> <password> | halt }

else { halt }


on *:nick: {

if ($me == $nick) || ($me == $newnick) { halt }

else {

if ($newnick == <nick>) { msg nickserv ghost <nick> <password> | halt }

if ($newnick == <nick2>) { msg nickserv ghost <nick2> <password> | halt }

else { halt }




and also for several servers


on *:join:#: {

if ($serverip == {
;begin stuff for HTS server

if ($me != <nick>) && ($nick == <nick>) { msg nickserv ghost <nick> <password> }

if ($me != <nick2>) && ($nick == <nick2>) { msg nickserv ghost <nick2> <password> }


;end stuff for HTS server

if ($serverip == {
;begin stuff other server

if ($me != <nick3>) && ($nick == <nick3>) { msg nickserv ghost <nick3> <password> }

;end stuff other server


else { halt }


on *:nick: {

if ($me == $nick) || ($me == $newnick) { halt }

else {

if ($serverip == {
;begin stuff for HTS server

if ($newnick == <nick>) { msg nickserv ghost <nick> <password> }

if ($newnick == <nick2>) { msg nickserv ghost <nick2> <password> }

halt }
;end stuff for HTS server

if ($serverip == {
;begin stuff for other server

if ($newnick == <nick3>) { msg nickserv ghost <nick3> <password> }

halt }
;end stuff for other server

else { halt }




Gata, nu mai am, acum le-am gasit si eu si le-am citit, mi s-au parut interesante si le-am postat.

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