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[MASM] Anti-Wireshark

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; ================================================================
; [ Anti-Wireshark ]
; Coded by Armaked0n of Macedonian Forces
; ----------------------------------------------------------------
; Greetz: Darkness.MKD, Darker, Bra1n1aC, KnOppIx, Outlaw, Vertigo
; ================================================================

.model flat, stdcall

option casemap : none

include windows.inc
include kernel32.inc
include user32.inc

includelib kernel32.lib
includelib user32.lib


szWiresharkWinText CHAR 'The Wireshark Network Analyzer', NULL
szWiresharkWinClass CHAR 'gdkWindowToplevel', NULL


Start proc

push TRUE
call AntiWireshark

push NULL
call ExitProcess

Start endp

; ==================================================================================
; AntiWireshark -> anti Wireshark procedure
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; BOOL bKillWireshark
; Specifies whether the function should kill Wireshark if detected. TRUE specifies
; that this should be done, FALSE that the program should exit.
; ==================================================================================

AntiWireshark proc bKillWireshark : BOOL

push offset szWiresharkWinText
push offset szWiresharkWinClass
call FindWindow

cmp eax, NULL
jne @wireshark_detected


cmp dword ptr [bKillWireshark], FALSE
jne @kill_wireshark

push NULL
call ExitProcess

push NULL
push NULL
push eax
call SendMessage


AntiWireshark endp

end Start

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