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Simple hello world Asm shellcode

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[SECTION .text]

global _start

jmp short ender

xor eax, eax
xor ebx, ebx
xor edx, edx

inc ebx
mov al,4
pop ecx ; eax = 4, ebx = 1, edx = len, ecx = pop
mov dl, len
int 0×80

xor eax, eax
inc eax ; Quit the shellcode.
int 0×80

call starter
db “hello shellcoder =)”,0×0a ; Call the message.
len equ $-ender ; Sh0ck - shock@k.st

[root@shock Desktop]# $ file=hello; od -An -j96 -N$(($(echo 0x$(readelf -t $file 2>&1 | awk ‘/.text/ {getline; print $4}’)))) -w$(($(echo 0x$(readelf -t $file 2>&1 | awk ‘/.text/ {getline; print $4}’)))) -tx1 $file | sed -e ’s| |\\x|g


[root@shock Desktop]# $ file=hello; echo $(($(echo 0x$(readelf -t $file 2>&1 | awk ‘/.text/ {getline; print $4}’))))

46 Bytes.

Enjoy =)

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