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[Python] Mail sorter 1.0 (console) [cmiN]

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#! /usr/bin/env python3.1
# 12.09.2009 <> 12.09.2009 | cmiN
# This script sorts e-mails from all files in a path

import os, sys

def sort(args):
ext = list()
if args[3] == "*":
for x in args[3].split(","):
ext.append("." + x)
visited_paths, paths_to_visit = list(), os.listdir(os.getcwd())
while len(paths_to_visit) != 0:
x = paths_to_visit.pop()
if os.path.isfile(x):
for y in os.listdir(x):
paths_to_visit.append(x + "\\" + y)
for x in visited_paths:
y = x.split("\\")
y[len(y) - 1] = "sorted_" + y[len(y) - 1]
with open(x, "r") as infile, open("\\".join(y), "w") as outfile:
for z in ext:
if z in x:
lines = infile.readlines()
if args[1] == "d":
for domain in args[4]:
for line in lines:
if domain in line:

def main():
usage = """\t\t Mail Sorter 1.0

\t Usage: MailSorter.py sort_mode directory extensions [domains]

Where sort_mode tells how to sort the mails
a - in alphabetical order
d - by domains in the given order
directory is the path from the text files are read
extensions is a list of text files extensions separated by comma
only files with the specified extensions will be read
put a * if you want to read all files
domains is a list of domains separated by comma
domains is required only with "d" sort mode

\t Example: MailSorter.py d C:\\test * yahoo.com,gmail.com,kappa.ro"""
args = sys.argv
if len(args) in range(4, 6):
print("Please wait ...")
except Exception as message:
print("An error occurred: {}".format(message))
print("Unknown error.")
print("Ready !")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Interpreter: Python 3.1.1

Start -> Run -> cd %locatie% unde %locatie% este locatia in care se afla MailSorter.py ce contine codul de mai sus.

I se da o locatie si alte detalii iar el cauta fisiere cu extensiile dorite de utilizator in toate folderele din acea locatie inclusiv in locatie, apoi ordoneaza fiecare linie de text in functie de domeniile / bucatile de text furnizate de utilizator ca argument sau in ordine alfabetica si le scrie in aceleasi locatii cu numele sorted_ + numele original.

Vroia pacealik ceva mai "profesional" si m-am gandit sa fac script-ul asta care este de ajutor si in alte scopuri de sortare nu numai in cazul mail-urilor.

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