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Script instalare automat VerliHub

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[ - Copyright © 2009 Ne0h & Rashid - ]

[ - Acest script creat de Rashid - ]

[ - www.CW-Security.Ro -]

Acesta este un readme, citiste-l, baga-l la cap dupa care inchide fisierul si script-ul o ia automat.

Se executa in terminal cu comanda "sh verlihub.sh"

Script-ul contine:

- Verlihub http://www.verlihub-project.org/download/verlihub-0.9.8e-r2.tar.bz2

- GeoIP-1.4.3 http://geolite.maxmind.com/download/geoip/api/c/GeoIP-1.4.3.tar.gz

- Lua 1.8.1 http://www.verlihub-project.org/download/lua-1.8.1.tar.gz

- Forbid 1.3 Download VerliHub from SourceForge.net

Script-ul este proiectat sa va compileze si sa va instaleze tot ce aveti nevoie INSA la MySQL trebuie setata manual parola, doar nu stiu eu ce e in capul tuturor :) Dupa ce script-ul isi va termina "misiunea" scrieti in terminal asa:

mysqladmin -u root password NOUAPAROLA

Doar atat trebuie sa faceti la MySQL.. La verlihub insa mai trebuie sa va instalati manual configuratia hub-ului, evident executata prin comanda "vh_install" in terminal.. Mai jos e un model:

[root@fast-link anthraxr]# vh_install


Your name ? (anthraxr)

Hello anthraxr,

let's start with configuration of database access..


mysql database for verlihub will be called? (verlihub) verlihub

mysql user to access verlihub gonna be? (verlihub) verlihub

password to access verlihub be? (1253569397)

mysql server will run where? (localhost)


user = verlihub

password = 1253569397

host = localhost

database = verlihub


This database account cannot be accessed


Is this info correct ? (Y/N)y

Do you want to create database now? (Y/N)y


Ok preparing mysql..

You probably need administrator access to mysql database

mysql administrator username? (root)


You'll be now promted by mysql client for password of root@localhost

Enter password:


This database account exists



anthraxr, you need to choos a place for the configuration files


The order of folder that verlihub is looking for is following:

1 - variable $VERLIHUB_CFG - -inexisting-

2 - ./.verlihub - /home/anthraxr/.verlihub -inexisting-

3 - /root/.verlihub - /root/.verlihub -inexisting-

4 - /usr/local/etc/verlihub - /usr/local/etc/verlihub -inexisting-

5 - /etc/verlihub - /etc/verlihub drwxr-xr-x.

if two or more of these exist, lower number has priority



what is will be the configuration folder ? (/etc/verlihub) /etc/verlihub

The config folder /etc/verlihub does not exist and would be created


Do you want to continue with these settings (if not then select another folder) ? (Y/N)y


Written: /etc/verlihub/dbconfig


Wait few seconds..

/usr/local/bin/vh_install: line 87: 24758 Aborted VERLIHUB_CFG=$cfg_dir $bindir/verlihub 22 &>$cfg_dir/install_log


anthraxr, now I will ask you few more questions about your future hub, if you permit..


Try to not put many special characters, you'll be able to put some later

Give me your DC hub master nickname.. ([sU]anthraxr)

Choose your password.. (1253570803)

Which will be default ONE hub port number? (411)

What will be your hub hostname? (fast-link)

Give me the name of your hub (hub of anthraxr)


Hub: 'hub of anthraxr'

url: 'dchub://fast-link:4111'

Master user: '[sU]anthraxr'

Master's password: '1253570803'


Is this info correct ? (Y/N)y

FYI: settings are going to be created or updated




will invoke the command

class is 10

nick is [sU]anthraxr

password is 1253570803


[root@fast-link anthraxr]#

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Edited by Ne0h

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