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[C++] Instant Messenger Spammer

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Instant Messenger Bomber
Coded by a59

[ 6 - 21 - 07 ]
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>

void Type( char* szString );
void RandomizeBuffer( char* szBuffer, int iLen );
void InterpretMethod( void );

void Type( char* szString )
int iLen = strlen( szString );
bool bShiftDown = false;

for( int i = 0; i < iLen; i++ )
short sKey = VkKeyScan( szString[ i ] );

if( ( sKey >> 8 ) & 1 )
keybd_event( VK_LSHIFT, 0, 0, 0 );
bShiftDown = true;

keybd_event( (unsigned char)sKey, 0, 0, 0 );

if( bShiftDown )
keybd_event( VK_LSHIFT, 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0 );
bShiftDown = false;

void RandomizeBuffer( char* szBuffer, int iLen )
char* szList = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890";

for( int i = 0; i < iLen; i++ )
szBuffer[ i ] = szList[ rand( ) % strlen( szList ) ];

szBuffer[ iLen ] = 0;

void InterpretMethod( void )
char szBuffer[ 512 ], szMethod[ 32 ], szLength[ 8 ], szTime[ 8 ];
bool bCheckedMethods = false;
unsigned long uStartCount;
int i, iSent = 0;

while( true )
printf( "Choose your method, type 'methods' for a list\n" );
printf( "> " );

scanf( "%s", szMethod );

if( !strcmp( szMethod, "methods" ) )
printf( "1 - Random strings\n" );
printf( "2 - User defined message\n" );
printf( "3 - Smiley spam\n" );
printf( "4 - Exit\n" );

bCheckedMethods = true;

switch( atoi( szMethod ) )
case 1:
printf( "Enter the length of each random string\n" );
printf( "> " );

scanf( "%s", szLength );

printf( "Enter how many seconds to spam\n" );
printf( "> " );

scanf( "%s", szTime );

printf( "Spamming in 3 seconds...\n" );
Sleep( 3000 );

uStartCount = GetTickCount( );

while( ( ( GetTickCount( ) - uStartCount ) / 1000 ) < (unsigned)atoi( szTime ) )
RandomizeBuffer( szBuffer, atoi( szLength ) );

Type( szBuffer );
keybd_event( VK_RETURN, 0, 0, 0 );


printf( "Sent %d messages\n", iSent );

case 2:
printf( "Enter the message to spam( Please use a \\ instead of a space )\n" );
printf( "> " );

scanf( "%s", szBuffer );

printf( "Enter how many seconds to spam\n" );
printf( "> " );

scanf( "%s", szTime );

for( i = 0; i < (signed)strlen( szBuffer ); i++ )
if( szBuffer[ i ] == '\\' )
szBuffer[ i ] = 0x20;

printf( "Spamming in 3 seconds...\n" );
Sleep( 3000 );

uStartCount = GetTickCount( );

while( ( ( GetTickCount( ) - uStartCount ) / 1000 ) < (unsigned)atoi( szTime ) )
Type( szBuffer );
keybd_event( VK_RETURN, 0, 0, 0 );


printf( "Sent %d messages\n", iSent );

case 3:
printf( "Enter how many seconds to spam\n" );
printf( "> " );

scanf( "%s", szTime );

ZeroMemory( szBuffer, sizeof( szBuffer ) );

for( i = 0; i < 32; i++ )
strcat( szBuffer, ":D " );

printf( "Spamming in 3 seconds...\n" );
Sleep( 3000 );

uStartCount = GetTickCount( );

while( ( ( GetTickCount( ) - uStartCount ) / 1000 ) < (unsigned)atoi( szTime ) )
Type( szBuffer );
keybd_event( VK_RETURN ,0, 0, 0 );


printf( "Sent %d messages\n", iSent );

case 4:
printf( "Bye....\n" );
Sleep( 1000 );

ExitProcess( 0 );
if( !bCheckedMethods )
printf( "Invalid choice\n" );


printf( "\n" );

uStartCount = 0;
iSent = 0;

int main( )
SetConsoleTitle( "IM Bomb by a59" );

printf( "\t\t\tInstant Messenger Bomber by a59\n\n\n" );

InterpretMethod( );

return 0;

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