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ProdLer <= 2.0 (prodler.class.php sPath) RFI Vulnerability

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#######################[In The Name Of Allah]##########################
#ProdLer <= 2.0 Remote File Include Vulnerability
#Download Script : http://sourceforge.net/projects/prodler/files/
#Author : cr4wl3r
#Contact : cr4wl3r[4t]linuxmail[dot]org
#Location : Gorontalo - INDONESIA
#Blog : http://sh3ll4u.blogspot.com
#Dork : No DoRk f0R ScRipT KiDDieS
#file :
# prodler.class.php
# line 4 require_once $sPath.'include/variable.class.php';
#3xplo!t :
#Greetz : MyMom [alm]
#Special Thanks : str0ke, All MusLim HacKers
#Thanks 2 : opt!x hacker, xoron, irvian, cyberlog, EA ngel, bl4ck_3ng1n3, Hmei7, zvtral, s4va,
# mywisdom, wendys, cyberpeace, agenr@t, basix, nTc, angky.tatoki, funky_sensey, exnome,
# aRiee, Romy.Chairul, Mr.C, Mr.Crossbeam, noQen, CyberSufi, untouch, g4pt3k, chawanua,
# d3vilnet, donyskaynet, panteto, MaRloN, Dew0
# F0r All MusLim In tHe W0rlD :
# SelaMat IduL FitRi 1 SyaWaL 1430H
# Takabbalallah Huminnawaminkum Minalaidin Walfaizin
#Note : No fuCk, JusT PeaCe
#sekuritionline.net (all crew sekuritionline)
#manadocoding.net (all crew manadocoding)
###########################[VIVA ISLAM]#################################

# milw0rm.com [2009-09-21]

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