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Linux Wireless Commands

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I used the net inst CD. I can install it again no problem, and change all the settings for network, which are probably wrong anyway.Here are the details:

I can connect to the router using a USB, if there is a way to configure that in Debian, that would be very helpful, please note i only have the basics of Debian just now - command line...Wireless is improbable just now, at least until i get connected using the USB.

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I used the net inst CD. I can install it again no problem, and change all the settings for network, which are probably wrong anyway.Here are the details:

I can connect to the router using a USB, if there is a way to configure that in Debian, that would be very helpful, please note i only have the basics of Debian just now - command line...Wireless is improbable just now, at least until i get connected using the USB.

Must edit the file /etc/network/interfaces

Here is an example for the wireless configuration file

# This file describes the network interfaces available on your system
# and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5).

# The loopback network interface
auto lo

iface lo inet loopback

#the wifi network interface
# my wifi interface is called rausb0,
# I knew that by typing ifconfig and iwconfig (see below)
auto rausb0
iface rausb0 inet dhcp
wireless-essid my_essid
wireless-mode managed
wireless-key AF32852BE7A39B522BG60C4353
# The wep key which appear here is just an example. This is not
# really my web key, which is secret

If you have access to a GUI based interface you can install the wicd , cause is better than the default one

Wicd 1.5.9 is included in Debian Squeeze and Sid, so you can just use apt-get install to get it.

In Debian Lenny, 1.5.9 is a backport, so installing it requires additional work. Add this to /etc/apt/sources.list:

lenny-backports main contrib non-free

Follow this with apt-get update and then apt-get -t lenny-backports install wicd.

For those running Debian experimental, 1.6 is in the main repository.

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