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Offensive Security: WPA Rainbow Tables

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Each of the following links below are to a .torrent file which enables you to download a Cowpatty WPA Rainbow Table using BitTorrent. All of the tables are SSID specific and use a 49 million WPA optimised password dictionary file. Please take note that each of the tables is 1.9 GB in size. We ask that you help in seeding these torrents when you are finished downloading them. The password file that was used to generate these lists can be found here For more information on how to download these files you can reference this website

101.wpa 130.wpa 188.wpa 2WIRE236.wpa 2WIRE631.wpa 3blindmice.wpa 3Com.wpa 5ECUR3w3p5TOR3.wpa ACTIONTEC.wpa ADSL_WiFi.wpa airportthru.wpa Airport.wpa ALICE_WLAN.wpa ALICE-WLAN.wpa AMD_IBSS.wpa ANY.wpa arescom.wpa attwifi.wpa Belkin54g.wpa Belkin.wpa bestbuy.wpa Blitzz.wpa bob.wpa buffalo.wpa Chris.wpa Comcast.wpa conexant.wpa ConnectionPoint.wpa Cox_Hospitality.wpa Customer_ID.wpa david.wpa dd_wrt.wpa default.wpa defcon_lc.wpa DEFCON.wpa dlink_wireless.wpa D_LINK.wpa D-LINK.wpa DLINK.wpa DV201AM.wpa eduroam.wpa Ethostream.wpa eurospot.wpa fanTM.wpa flyingj.wpa freedomlink.wpa Free_Internet_Access.wpa freephonie.wpa FRITZ_Box_Fon_WLAN_7050.wpa FRITZ_Box_Fon_WLAN_7141.wpa FRITZ_Box_Fon_WLAN_7170.wpa FRITZ_Box_Fon_WLAN.wpa FRITZ_Box_SL_WLAN.wpa G604T_WIRELESS.wpa Gateway.wpa GDS_VCI_01.wpa GlobalSuiteWireless.wpa goesh.wpa </ol>

pi07490509x.wpa pocwyg7swean.wpa Print_Server.wpa Private.wpa public.wpa RGXLPQSNGBNYVRAK.wpa router.wpa Scott.wpa SiriCOMM.wpa SITECOM.wpa SkyHighSpeed.wpa SMARTSIGHT.wpa smc.wpa sonicwall.wpa Speedport_W_501V.wpa SpeedStream.wpa SST_PR_1.wpa SST-PR-1.wpa stayonline.wpa steve.wpa test.wpa Thuis.wpa TI_AR7WRD.wpa T_Mobile_T_Com.wpa tmobile.wpa Topcom.wpa TP_LINK.wpa tsunami.wpa University_of_Washington.wpa Untitled.wpa USR5461.wpa USR5462.wpa USR8054.wpa USR9106.wpa Verizon_Wi_Fi.wpa VICTIM.wpa WaveLAN_Network.wpa Wayport_Access.wpa west.wpa WiFi.wpa wirelesslan.wpa Wireless_Network.wpa WLAN_AP.wpa WLAN_PS.wpa WLAN.wpa WLCM.wpa workgroup.wpa Zoom.wpa ZyXEL.wpa SURSA

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