prodil89 Posted August 17, 2010 Report Posted August 17, 2010 Hello digital-cowboys,Today i'm releasing ~1year old (almost) remote exploit for the MS09-050 SMB2negotiation vulnerability. Since users had almost a year to patch up theirmachines and some other remote exploits for this vulnerability are flyingover the internet for a long time already i have decided to release my own.This exploit uses the trampoline technique that I described in my previousblog post [1] and it is also a fantastic example of how not^H^H^H to writeexploits. Additionally, to make this one more miserable and yet still funky,I have attached a brand new 3D HACKTRO (yay!). As always, greetings for allof the hidden demosceners spending more time bouncing to cracktros thanoriginal games.Here comes the video capture of the pure-awesome hacktro (low-quality):[url=]SMB2 HACKTRO - LOW QUALITY on Vimeo[/url]And here is the list of mirrors where you can find exploit src + hacktrobin:[url][/url]Please note that some of the mirrors listed there may be dead soon becausewe are expecting big liquor* shipment straight from Russia (*beep*). So besure you will get your copy before this transport arrives! Also make sureyou click on the ascii g00gle ads to support our cause. ODZYSKAMY POLMOS!thank you and have a nice winter!_o/Source....[url=]Full Disclosure: RELEASE: SMB2 REMOTE EXPLOIT (VISTA SP1/SP2) + HACKTRO[/url] Quote