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Smb2 remote exploit (vista sp1/sp2) + hacktro

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Hello digital-cowboys,

Today i'm releasing ~1year old (almost) remote exploit for the MS09-050 SMB2

negotiation vulnerability. Since users had almost a year to patch up their

machines and some other remote exploits for this vulnerability are flying

over the internet for a long time already i have decided to release my own.

This exploit uses the trampoline technique that I described in my previous

blog post [1] and it is also a fantastic example of how not^H^H^H to write

exploits. Additionally, to make this one more miserable and yet still funky,

I have attached a brand new 3D HACKTRO (yay!). As always, greetings for all

of the hidden demosceners spending more time bouncing to cracktros than

original games.

Here comes the video capture of the pure-awesome hacktro (low-quality):

[url=http://vimeo.com/14138182]SMB2 HACKTRO - LOW QUALITY on Vimeo[/url]

And here is the list of mirrors where you can find exploit src + hacktro



Please note that some of the mirrors listed there may be dead soon because

we are expecting big liquor* shipment straight from Russia (*beep*). So be

sure you will get your copy before this transport arrives! Also make sure

you click on the ascii g00gle ads to support our cause. ODZYSKAMY POLMOS!

thank you and have a nice winter!



[url=http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/2010/Aug/200]Full Disclosure: RELEASE: SMB2 REMOTE EXPLOIT (VISTA SP1/SP2) + HACKTRO[/url]

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