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Cel mai mare cyber-atac a avut loc in 200 RO/ENG

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Cel mai mare cyber-atac a avut loc in 2008



Tinta celui mai mare atac cibernetic din toate timpurile au fost Statele Unitele ale Americii. In anul 2008, in Orientul Mijlociu, un serviciu secret strain a conectat un flash drive infestat care a penetrat reteaua de computere a armatei SUA.

Cel care a dezvaluit acest atac - despre care, pana acum, mass media nu a avut nicio informatie - este William Lynn III, cel de-al doilea om in stat din Departamentul Apararii al Guvernului American. Intr-un articol aparut in ultimul numar al revistei "Foreign Affairs", Lynn desemneaza atacul drept "cea mai mare bresa din toate timpurile in securitatea informatica a SUA".

In acelasi text, Lynn atrage atentia ca Statele Unite inca nu au un sistem de cybersecuritate care sa corespunda provocarilor actuale, lasand sa se inteleaga ca atacuri precum cel din 2008 se pot repeta si in prezent. Lynn a refuzat sa ofere detalii suplimentare privind succesul atacului, care serviciu secret strain l-a lansat sau ce informatii secrete au fost furate.

« Daca este rau intentionata, o echipa de programatori experimentati ar putea gasi oricand o vulnerabilitate a retelei logistice globale a SUA, precum si sa fure planuri secrete, sa incetineasca sau sa obtureze capabilitatile serviciilor secrete americane sau chiar sa impiedice anumite arme inteligente sa-si atinga tinta », mai adauga Lynn. Venind de la al doilea om in stat din Departamentul Apararii (echivalentul american al unui Minister al Apararii european) si de la un expert care lucreaza in domeniul cyberapararii de stat inca din mandatul lui Bill Clinton, avertismentul este foarte serios si ingrijorator.

81 de luni au fost necesare Pentagonului pentru ca acesta sa-si schimbe sau upgradeze intregul sistem informatic. Armata americana opereaza 15.000 de retele si are in jur de 7 milioane de computere dispuse pe intregul glob. Acestea sunt supuse zilnic unui numar de cateva mii de incercari de atacuri cibernetice.

SURSA: Descopera.ro



Secret US military computers 'cyber attacked' in 2008

A 2008 cyber attack launched from an infected flash drive in the Middle East penetrated secret US military computers, a Pentagon official says.

The attack by a foreign spy service was the "most significant breach" ever of US military networks, Deputy Defence Secretary William Lynn said.

Writing in Foreign Affairs magazine, Mr Lynn described it as a "digital beachhead" to steal military secrets.

He urged the US to speed up its cyber defence system procurement procedure.

Mr Lynn, the number two official in the Pentagon, wrote that the previously undisclosed 2008 attack began when an infected flash drive was inserted into a US military laptop at a base.

The computer code then spread stealthily through US military computer networks and readied itself to transfer military data to enemy hands, he wrote.

It is unclear whether the cyber spy effort succeeded in obtaining US secrets, and further details on the attack were unavailable.

In the article, Mr Lynn warned that US military dominance was threatened by the relatively low cost of cyber warfare.

Time lag

"A dozen determined computer programmers can, if they find a vulnerability to exploit, threaten the United States' global logistics network, steal its operational plans, blind its intelligence capabilities, or hinder its ability to deliver weapons on target," he wrote.

Mr Lynn, a former defence lobbyist and military budget official under former President Bill Clinton, warned the Pentagon had to speed up the process by which it develops and acquires cyber defence kit.

He noted that on average it took the Pentagon 81 months to get a new computer system online after its initial funding, while Apple developed the iPhone in 24 months, "less time than it would take the Pentagon to prepare a budget and receive congressional approval for it".

The US military operates 15,000 networks and seven million computers across the world that are probed by attackers thousands of times a day, Mr Lynn said.

The Pentagon has consolidated its cyber defence operations into a single command structure, which began operations in May.

The Pentagon did not immediately respond to a request for comment.


Edited by beaubere
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aia comunicau wireless :))...ai cumva imaginea de sus cu marime mai mare? :D

on: Interesant articol

Imaginea o am de pe descopera.ro.....

EDIT:am editat titlul:))doar acum vasusem, ma tot intrebam ce a zis balcky de 200 ianinte de H :)).

Edited by beaubere
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