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Migrating to Debian from Bakctrack

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Posted (edited)

Backtrack e un sistem operativ folosit pt pentesting

In ultimul an l-am folosit ca un sistem base

Backtrack e un sistem operativ care vine folosit in general de c?tre:



Mi-am dat seama ca nu fac parte din aceste categorii , avînd in vedere faptul ca in decurs de un an nu am folosit nici un fel de tool sau script din sistem

Mi-am compilat singur tot ceea ce mi-a trebuit ?i mi-am creat singur restul de scripturi cînd am avut nevoie

Sistemul e out dated pt a fi folosit ca sistem base pe un computer ?i nu permite unui user s? foloseasc? diverse lucruri sau s? compileze anumite programe preferate (cauza : anumite pachete si library out-dated )

A?adar am ales Debian , un sistem pe care am început s? îl folosesc de ceva timp pe anumite computere

Debian poate fi instalat cu diverse tipuri de Desktop





Debian cu Desktop KDE poate fi descarcat de Aici

Va fi instalat un desktop KDE full

Debian Light cu desktop KDE

Pt a instala un sistem debian simplu folosind un desktop KDE base se poate folosi orice fel de cd debian

In acest caz se va alege doar op?iunea base system ?i deselect?m op?iunea desktop

Dupa ce vine instalat sistemul se va face login root

nano /etc/apt/sources.list

Va trebui sters tot si adaugat

deb http://ftp.debian.org/debian lenny main contrib non-free
deb-src http://ftp.debian.org/debian lenny main contrib non-free

Update, upgrade, install x,basic kde install:

aptitude update && aptitude upgrade
aptitude install xserver-xorg-core xorg
aptitude install kde-core

Install curl ,kpdf, sudo and reboot

aptitude install curl kpdf sudo   

Note: curl este foarte important pt multe lucruri

Install firefox :

Note : va trebui sa folosim un browser pt a instala firefox , iceweasel este de fapt o versiune de firefox , va fi folosit in acest caz doar pt a descaraca firefox dupa care va fi sters

sudo su 
aptitude install iceweasel

Download firefox source for linux from here

Run this set of code

 mv firefox-3.6.10.tar.bz2 /usr/lib/; cd /usr/lib/; tar -jxvf firefox-3.6.10.tar.bz2; ln -s /usr/lib/firefox/firefox /usr/bin/firefox

Add firefox to Menu

Right Click K-menu > MenuEditor > File > New Item

name : Firefox

command: firefox

Choose icon from /usr/lib/firefox/icons/

Download flash player from here

dpkg -i install_flash_player_10_linux.deb

Note: check under /usr/lib/firefox/plugins if exist flashplugin-alternative.so

Remove iceweasel

Driver for Atheros wifi

sudo     apt-get install module-assistant
m-a a-i madwifi
sudo m-a a-i madwifi
modprobe ath_pci
sudo modprobe ath_pci

Audio , install alsa

aptitude install alsa

Install ATI:

Download from here Ati installer for your system

apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-$(uname -r) module-assistant

After reboot run fglrxinfo

Output must be something like this:

display: :0.0  screen: 0
OpenGL vendor string: ATI Technologies Inc.
OpenGL renderer string: ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3400 Series
OpenGL version string: 3.3.10188 Compatibility Profile Context

In cazul in care iese o eroare :

apt-get install build-essential module-assistant fglrx-driver fglrx-kernel-src
m-a update
m-a prepare
m-a a-i fglrx

Instal compiz , emerald



deb http://download.tuxfamily.org/shames/debian-lenny/desktopfx/unstable/ ./ 

Add certificate

wget http://download.tuxfamily.org/shames/A42A6CF5.gpg -O- | apt-key add - 

Update, install compiz for kde

apt-get update && apt-get install compiz-fusion-kde 

Configure compiz, autostart + emerald autostart

nano ~/.kde/Autostart/startcompiz.sh 


compiz --replace &
sleep 3
emerald --replace

Make executable :

chmod +x ~/.kde/Autostart/startcompiz.sh 

Should start automatically

Debian are cateva servicii care vor fi in listenig pe localhost de default


25/tcp open smtp --> message transfer agent (exim4)
111/tcp open rpcbind --> Remote Procedure Call (disable/uninstall portmap package)
754/tcp open krb_prop --> kerberos propagation - Kerberos (disable/uninstall portmap package )
32780/tcp open sometimes-rpc23 --> Remote Procedure Call (disable/uninstall portmap package)

Aceste servicii pot fi dezactivate , se gasesc in /etc/init.d

In acest caz nu vor fi incarcate la startup

update-rc.d -f  nume_file remove

Note: 25/tcp open smtp e de fapt serviciul exim4 un MTA creat de catre University of Cambridge

Este folosit de catre sistem pt a trimite message la user , e in listening pe localhost

si ar fi bine sa nu fie dezactivat , nu prezinta nici un pericol cat timp e in localhost

Realtek driver wifi

Update kernel from 2.6.26 to 2.6.32

Va trebui adaugat

deb http://backports.debian.org/debian-backports lenny-backports main

in /etc/apt/sources.list

Update, install ,configure

aptitude update
aptitude -t lenny-backports install linux-image-2.6-$(uname -r | sed 's,.*-,,') wireless-tools


modprobe rtl8187

Check if driver loaded

lsmod | grep rtl8187

ifconfig interface_name up

Note: driverele pot fi compilate si instalate si in versiunea 2.6.26 dar de preferat ar fi un update de kernel la versiunea 2.6.32 deoarece are deja incluse foarte mule module pt hardware

Debian Linux-2.6 source package

Edited by pyth0n3

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